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[When we meet again, shall I behold no shrinking]
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[When we meet again, shall I behold no shrinking]

When we meet again, shall I behold no shrinking
Of thy quick eyes, no sidelong glance of pain;
No start, betraying what thy heart is thinking,
When we meet again?
When we meet again, shall I perceive no trial
To wake a love already on the wane,
To screen inconstancy by faint denial,
When we meet again?
When we meet again, shall I hear no bewailing,
No hollow fiction of a treacherous brain,
Raised to forestall my own true grief's assailing,
When we meet again?
When we meet again, shall I not know thee playing
A part whose falsehood is too clearly plain,
That cogs and kisses while it is betraying,
When we meet again?
When we meet again, O God! shall I not find thee
As true to me as when thy lips were ta'en,
In the deep calm of love, from lips that then resigned thee
But to meet again?