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Restaurants in the Boulevards etc.

The even numbers are on the N., the uneven on the S. side.

Boulevard des Capucines (N. side), *Café-Restaurant
de la Paix,
first class establishment (beefsteak 1¾ fr.).

Boulevard des Italiens. No. 38, *Café Foy, corner of
the Chaussée d'Antin, excellent but expensive; No. 20, *Maison
No. 16, *Café Riche; Café Anglais. These establishments
are first rate and consequently expensive.

*Garny, Passage de l'Opéra 10, at the end of the Galerie de
l'Horloge, Nr. 24; D. 2, déj. 1½ fr.

No. 29, *Café du Helder, déjeuner on the ground-floor, dinner
in the entresol, expensive (filet 1½, ½ fowl 4 fr.).

Boulevard Montmartre. Dîner de Paris and *Dîner de
see p. 11. Those who desire to make acquaintance with
the Italian cuisine are recommended to go to *Galliani, Passage
des Panoramas, Galerie Montmartre 10 and 12.

Boulevard Poissonnière. No. 30, Vachette, of the first
class; No. 26, *Desirée-Beaurain; No. 8, *Restaurant de France
(beefsteak 1 fr. 20 c., mayonnaise de volaille 1½ fr.); No. 2,
Café Poissonnière.

At the corner of the Rue Rougemont: Hôtel et Restaurant
(beefsteak 1 fr. 25 c.).

Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle. No. 24, Restaurant Bonne

Boulevard St. Denis. No. 14, Maire, good wines, well
known for the excellence of its "moules" (beefsteak 1 fr.)


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Boulevard du Temple. No. 29, *Bonvalet, moderate

Place de la Bastille. No. 10, Rive Charamante, good and not

The two following restaurants deserve commendation, although
less fashionable than many of the above-mentioned: *Philippe,
Rue Montorgueil 70 (Pl., red 7) and *Brébant, Rue Neuve St. Eustache
10 (filet de sole 2, beefsteak 1½ fr.).

The Maison Duval, Rue Montesquieu 6, owns a number of
excellent, though unpretending eating-houses, termed "Etablissements
de Bouillon":
Boulevard St. Martin; Boulevard de Sébastopol
144, Rue Rivoli 47, Rue Montmartre 143, Rue des Filles St.
Thomas 7, Rue de la Monnaie 21, Rue Sartine 10, Rue Beauregard
2, Boulevard St. Michel 26. The charges in these houses
are very moderate: beefsteak 50 c., table-wine 80 c. per bottle.
Other houses occasionally style themselves "Maison Duval", but
are of a very inferior description.

*Lucas, Rue de la Madeleine 14 (Pl., red 5), substantial English
cuisine, Engl. beer, not expensive.

*Restaurant de France, Place de la Madeleine 9, Engl. cuisine,
Engl. beer, moderate charges.

Weber, Rue Royale 25 ("His Lordship's Larder"), an Engl.
restaurant of humble pretension.

*Byron's Tavern, Rue Favart 2, corner of the Rue Grétry,
Engl. cuisine, Engl. beer, good wines, D. at 6 o'clock 3 fr.

*Grande Taverne de Londres, Place Boieldieu, in the rear of the
Opéra Comique, everything excellent and not expensive, ample
portions, filet 1, beefsteak 1 fr.).

*Mère Morel, Rue Favart 8, simple but excellent cuisine.

*Café Voisin, Rue St. Honoré 261.

Champeaux, Place de la Bourse 13, of the first class.

Café Talma, Rue Neuve des Petits Champs, Passage Choiseul.

Among the numerous restaurants in the Champs Elysées,
the following are recommended.

Restaurant au Petit Moulin Rouge, Avenue d'Antin, opposite
the S.W. pavilion of the Palais de l'Industrie (Pl., red 3), dinner
in the open air, or in the pavilion.

Ledoyen, to the l. at the commencement of the Champs Elysées;
*Marigny, to the r. by the Cirque de l'Impératrice, good
cellar; *Summer and Loesch, Avenue Matignon, by the Circus;
*Laurent, Avenue d'Antin 23; *Ravel, Rue Neuve 2 and Avenue
de l'Impératrice (Pl., red 1), conveniently situated for visitors to
the Bois de Boulogne.

Table d'hôte for those of moderate requirements at Beaurain's,
Rue Notre Dame des Victoires 16, incl. wine 1 fr. 80 c., 5 to 7 o'clock.

Dischinger, Rue de la Bourse 3, a respectable restaurant of
very modest pretensions, B. 1 fr., D. 1 fr.


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Boulevard de Sébastopol. No. 9, Café-Restaurant de
la Nouvelle Poste;
No. 49, Café de l'Union de Commerce; No. 101,
Restaurant du Square des Arts et Métiers; No. 70, *Etablissement
de Bouillon,
good, respectable and very moderate.

On the Left Bank of the Seine. Café d'Orsay, of the first
class, opposite the Pont Royal (Pl., white 5); *Café Desmares,
Rue du Bac 27, expensive; *Blot aîné, Rue de Lille 33, highly

In the Quartier Latin restaurants of the second and third
class abound. Among the most respectable may be mentioned:
*Magny, Rue Contre-escarpe Dauphine 3 (Pl., white 8, near the
Pont Neuf); Foyot, Rue de Tournon 33, opposite the entrance of
the Palais du Luxembourg; Restaurant du Luxembourg, Rue de
Vaugirard 22, opposite the palace (Pl., white 8); Café Caron, Rue
des Saints-Pères 22 (Pl., white 6).

Those who desire to dine in the vicinity of the Jardin des
Plantes will find the *Hôtel de la Tour d'Argent (Quai de la
Tournelle 15, opposite the bridge) a respectable house.

Amateurs of Bavarian Beer may visit one of the following

Mallet, Faubourg Montmartre 4; *Baumann, Boulevard St.
Martin; *Zöhl's Brasserie, Rue Rougemont 3, D. about 6 o'cl.
2—3 fr.; *Restaurant de la Forêt Noire, Rue d'Enghien; Café du
Rue Montmartre 50; Frantzen, Rue Mazagran 16; Guillaume
Boulevard de Strasbourg 18; Fanta, Rue Halévy 4.

At these restaurants, which are principally frequented by Germans,
breakfast, dinner or supper may be procured.