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Acknowledgements  vii 
1. Getting Saved From the Televangelists  20 
2. "God Bless Our President..." and Other Revolutionary Ideas   20 
3. Rise of the New Christain Right   38 
4. We're Mad as Hell and We're Not Going to Take It Anymore!  55 
5. The Other Americans  74 
6. Legitimizing the Movement  96 
7. In My Father's House...  119 
8. Is Anybody Listening?  142 
9. Politics as the Instrument of a New Ecumenical Movement  160 
10. Pat Who?  181 
11. The March of Folly   199 
12. Is There Not a Cause?   216 
13. The Road to the White House   240 
14. A Strategy for Victory   265 
15. The Next Step  291 
Notes   298 
Index  313