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Of Duos, or Songs for tvvo voices

composed and made by Thomas Whythorne ... Of the which, some be playne and easie to be sung, or played on Musicall Instruments, & be made for yong beginners of both those sorts. And the rest of these Duos be made and set foorth for those that be more perfect in singing or playing as aforesaid, all the which be deuided into three parts ... Now newly published in An. Do. 1590 [by Thomas Whythorne]

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To the right worshipfull, maiter Francis Hastings, brother to the right honorable, and most noble Erle of Huntington, Thomas Whythorne wisheth all godly felicitie, and life euerlasting, in Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour.

The following poems are scored for music in the source text. No attempt has been made to reconstruct the metrical lines. Variations for different voices have been ignored. Repetition marks have been ignored.