![]() | Board of Visitors minutes April 17, 1923 | ![]() |
A special meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held
on this date at eight o'clock P. M., with adjournment to the
President's home the following morning at ten o'clock that
certain matters might be considered with him, he not being able
to leave his home on account of recent illness.
There were present The Rector, C. H. Walker, and Visitors
Dillard, Duke, Greever, McVea, Scott and Williams.
The following matters which had been assembled by the
President were considered and disposed of as follows:
For the regular winter term, to April 1, 1923....1747
From an anonymous donor, $1,000 to the General
Library of the University.From the will of the late Dr. James Douglas Bruce,
bequest of $5,000.00.From the Seven Society of the University $107.77,
to be added to the Seven Society Loan Fund, and
$77.77 for the proposed addition to the Hospital.From Sulgrave Institution, Finnemore etchings of
the Washington ancestral home to the Art School.From Mrs. Lalage D. Morgan, twenty-one additional
boxes of books of the library of her husband, the late
Dr. Wilbur Phelps Morgan, of Baltimore, to the
General Library.From Mrs. H. D. Flood, a portrait of her husband,
the late Hon. Hal D. Flood, and the late Hon.
Thomas S. Martin.From Jacquelin P. Taylor of Richmond, $200.00 toward
the work of the Forestry Department.From Mr. Frederick Van Buren Wight, of the University,
a portrait, painted by himself, of Dean Richard H.
Dabney.From Mr. Morris Schaff, of Cambridge, Mass., a copy of
a Madison letter, dated May 7, 1787.From Miss. Abigail Brown Tompkins, a minature "the
Country Ford".From Mr. Rosewell Page and Dr. J. Packard Laird, brick
selected from the wall of the old Southern Literary
Messenger Building.
The President was requested to prepare suitable resolutions
for the several donors on behalf of the Board.
The receipt of $20,000.00 from Mrs. Lelia M. White
on account of her bond for $60,000.00 in founding
the Chair of the Linden Kent Memorial School of
English Literature.
- The following resignations were tendered:
Dr. Fiske Kimball, as Professor of Art and Architecture
Dr. W. D. Macon, as Professor of Obstetrics, and
Mr. Alfred Swan, as Assistant Professor of Music
In connection with the foregoing resignations the following
resolutions, being duly seconded, were unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors of the University
accept with regret the resignation of Dr. Fiske Kimball,
Professor of Art and Architecture. Dr. Kimball has carried
forward his work with devotion and skill at this University,
and the Rector and Visitors wish him continued success in his
new field.
RESOLVED: That the Rector and Visitors of the University
accept with regret the resignation of Dr. William Douglas
Macon, Professor of Obstetrics. Dr. Macon has served
the University with faithfulness, high purpose and good results.
The Rector and Visitors wish to express their gratitude
for the loyal way in which he has helped in the development
of the Medical School.
RESOLVED: That the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia accept with regret the resignation of Mr.
Alfred J. Swan, Assistant Professor of Music. Mr. Swan
has discharged his duties in the Department of Music with
scholarship and ability.
The President recommended for election the
following and, the respective resolutions, being duly
seconded, were unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED: by the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, That Mr. Joseph Hudnut be and is hereby
elected Professor of Art and Architecture in the University
of Virginia, at a salary of $4,000, incumbency to begin with
the session 1923-24.
SKETCH: Born at Big Rapids, Michigan, March 27, 1886.
Graduate of the Department of Architecture of the University
of Michigan. Spent two years in School of Architecture at
Harvard University, one year post-graduate at Columbia
University, receiving Master's degree at Columbia in 1917.
From 1912-16, Professor of Architecture in Alabama Polytechnic
Institute. From 1914- to -1917, interested in city-planning
projects in Chicago and Milwaukee. Returned from
overseas in 1919, opened an office for practice of Architecture
in New York City. Member of New York Chapter of the Architectural
League of New York; artist member of the Salmagundi
Club and a sustaining member of the Beaux-Arts Institute
of Design.
RESOLVED; by the Rector and Visitors of the University,
That Dr. Wilson Gee be and is hereby elected Professor of
Rural Economics and Rural Sociology in the University of
Virginia, at a salary of $3,750, incumbency to begin with the
session 1923-24.
SKETCH: Born in Union S. C. B. S. Degree from Clemson
Agricultural College, 1908, M. A. University of South Carolina,
1910; Ph. D. University of California, 1913. Asst. Biol.
University S. C. 1908-09; Assistant Zool. Univ. Wis., 1901-11;
Asst Prof. Zool. Clemson Agri. College 1911-12; Prof. of Biology
University of S. C., 1913-14; Prof. Biology Emory
University 1914-17, Asst Dir. Agr. Extension Clemson 1917-19;
Prof. Rural Social Science, University of South Carolina
1919 to present time.
RESOLVED; by the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, That Dr. Dumas Malone be and is hereby elected
at a salary of $3,500, incumbency to begin with session 1923-24.
SKETCH: Born at Coldwater, Miss., Jan. 10, 1892; B. S.
Emory College, 1910. M. A. Yale University, 1921; Ph. D.
Yale 1923; University of Chicago 1916; Instructor in History
Yale 1919-23. U. S. Marine Corps, Private 1917, 2nd Lieut.,
1918. Served at Parris Island, S. C., League Island Navy
Yard and Quantico, Va.
Upon the recommendation of the President the following
resolution, being duly seconded, was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, That the following promotions in the faculty be
made to take effect session 1923-24:
John Jennings Luck, M. A., Ph. D.
Associate Professor to Professor of Mathematics
John Howe Yoe, M. S. M. A.
Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Chemistry
William Edward Brown, M. D.
Instructor to Assistant Professor of Phthisiotheraphy
Isaac Alexander Bigger, Jr., M. D.
Instructor to Assistant Professor of Surgery (Salary
$500)Bert Barnet Hershenson, B. S.
Instructor to Assistant Professor of Physiology and
The following resolution with reference to election of
Student Assistants, Assistants, Instructors and Assistant
Professors, was adopted:
RESOLVED, That in the election of Student Assistants,
Assistant, Instructors and Assistant Professors in the several
departments of the University, the following rules shall apply:
1—Student Assistants, Assistants and Instructors shall be
elected for a term of one session.2—Assistant Professors shall be elected for a term of
three years. This does not necessarily preclude dismissal
for cause duly set forth in writing to the Board
with privilege of appearance before the Board by the
professor in question; nor does it necessarily preclude
Promotion after the expiration of the term for which242
he was elected, or removal.
On motion duly made and seconded it was
RESOLVED, That the sum of $2,000 be added to the Hospital
budget for the purchase of a second X-Ray machine.
Upon the recommendation of the heads of the respective
departments and with the approval of the President, the following
appointments were confirmed:
Charles Howze, M. D.
Instructor in Urology (no salary)
Robert Battaile Hiden, M. D.
Instructor in Physiology and Biochemistry, at a
salary of $2,000.Miss. India Hunt, M. D.
Assistant in Pathology, at a salary of $1800.00
Miss. Mary G. Constable to be reappointed Technician
in the Department of Pathology.
On motion duly made and seconded, it was
RESOLVED, That leave from his professional duties be
granted Prof. Raleigh C. Minor, on account of his continued
illness, for another year, with his usual salary.
A claim of W. E. Beaton for $80.00, covering certain damages
sustained by reason of his having fallen into an open trench
during the installation of the Central Heating System, in August
1922, was presented. The matter had been considered by
Prof. Hancock, in charge of the installation of the Heating
System, and approved for payment. On motion, duly seconded, it
RESOLVED, That the claim of W. E. Beaton for $80.00
covering injuries and personal property sustained in August 1922,
be allowed in full settlement of said claim.
The Chairman of the Finance Committee was authorized to
transfer and sell certain Century Bonds in the following motion
made and seconded:
WHEREAS certain Virginia Century Bonds are held by the
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and
WHEREAS said Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia desire to sell these Bonds, and reinvest the principal
in other securities,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Frederick G. Scott,
Chairman of the Finance Committee of said Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, be, and is hereby authorized to
take any and all steps that may be necessary toward the sale
and delivery of said bonds, and the transfer thereof, as
Nos. 2717, 2718, 4731 and 4732 for $100.00 each
Nos. 5989 for $100000 and No. 1209 for $500000
The report of a Committee composed of Prof. Charles
Hancock, J. L. Newcomb and W. R. Duke, on the water pressure
on the grounds of the University, was read and ordered spread, as
University of Virginia.
A committee appointed by you to investigate
and report upon the pressures in the University
water main met today with Mr. Bennet, City Manager, and
Messrs. Williamson and Carroll, Engineers.
Pressure gauge connections had been made with the
main at Dawson's Row and at the new pump house. At the pump
house either filtered water from the new filtration plant or
raw water from the reservoir may be turned into the main. Raw
water from the reservoir comes to the pump house through the
University main, which it is proposed to give to the city if a
satisfactory supply of filtered water is assured.
Gauge readings were taken as follows:
Dawson's Row, 2:45 P.M. with filtered water, | 28 to 30 |
Dawson's Row, 3:26 P.M. with raw water, | 16 to 18 |
Showing an increase in pressure at this point with filtered
water of 12 pounds per square inch.
Pump house 3:00 P.M. with filtered water, | 58 lb per in |
Pump house 3:06 P.M. with raw water | 44 1/2 per in |
Showing an increase in pressure at this point with filtered
water of 13 1/2 pounds per square inch.
The increase in pressure at Dawson's Row with filtered water
is about 70% of the pressure with raw water.
The increase in volume of water is about 25% to 30%
greater with filtered than with raw water.
Filtered water will be available at a height of about
28 to 30 feet greater than raw water.
The question of fire risk at Cabell Hall was considered
and referred to a Committee consisting of the Chairman of
the Buildings and Grounds Committee, Prof. Kimball, Dr. Lambeth
and President Alderman, with instructions to have the survey made
and to proceed to have the necessary work done as speedily as
possible, including concrete floor and fire escapes.
On motion duly made and seconded, it was
RESOLVED, That the application of Prof. R. C. Jones,
head of the Forestry Department, for quarters in the new
Biological Building, be granted, and that the sum of
$1,099.73 be and is hereby appropriated to have two rooms
finished, in addition to the one already finished, on
the second floor of said building for the use of the
Forestry Department
Application of Prof. C. C. Speidel for the residence formerly
occupied by the late Mrs. Clara R. Green, was granted
in the following resolution, being unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED, That the frame residence formerly
occupied by Mrs. Clara T. Green be and is hereby assigned
to Prof. C. C. Speidel at an annual rental of $300.00,
said rent to be paid in monthly installments. Said residences
is assigned to Prof. Speidel with the condition
that all repairs to said building, including the water
and sewer system, both interior and exterior, of any
nature whatsoever, shall be done at his expense.
The following certificate of indebtedness covering the loan
from the Alumni Board of Trustees of the University of Virginia
Endowment Fund for the erection of the Faculty Apartments
was approved, and, on motion duly made and seconded, the Rector
and Secretary were authorized to execute same on behalf of the
Rector and Visitors:
This is to certify that THE RECTOR AND VISITORS OF THE
UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, a corporation under the laws of the
State of Virginia, is indebted to the Alumni Board of
Trustees of the University of Virginia Endowment Fund in the
sum of EIGHTY-TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($82,000.00), payable six
months after date when payment thereof shall be demanded in
writing by the said Alumni Board of Trustees of the University
Endowment Fund.
This obligation is to bear interest at the rate of six
per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day
of July and January of each year.
OF VIRGINIA have caused this certificate of indebtedness
to be executed for it and in its corporate name by its Rector,
and caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested
by its Secretary, this 1st day of January, 1923.
By C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers, Secretary
Prof. F. P. Dunnington, Chairman, of the University
Cemetery Committee, brought to the attention of the Board application
of Dr. Philip A. Bruce to purchase a lot in the University
Cemetery, and asking for instructions in the matter, as
Dr. Bruce is not a member of the faculty or otherwise connected
with the University officially. After consideration of the matter,
the following motion, duly made and seconded, was adopted
RESOLVED, That in view of the service rendered the University
by Dr. Philip A. Bruce in writing the History of the
University of Virginia at great personal sacrifice and without
financial remuneration from the University, his application
for a burial plot in the University Cemetery be granted and
that he be relieved from the usual charge made for such plots.
The question of erecting the proposed Orthopedic and
Obstetric Ward to the Hospital was brought up for consideration.
Prof. Fiske Kimball, Supervising Architect, reported that
bids had been received from several contractors, the lowest
being that of the W. P. Thurston Company, of Richmond, Virginia,
at $115,310.00, the building to be completed by January
1, 1924.
In the matter of financing the construction the President
announced that in addition to the gift of Mr. Paul G. McIntire
designate $25,000.00 of the Col. Oliver H. Payne gift towards
its construction, and that, at his request, the Alumni
Board of Trustees of the University of Virginia Endowment
Fund had agreed to make a loan to the University of $40,000.00
for the said purpose, making in all the sum of $115,000.00, which,
together with the interest on the $50,000.00 now on certificate
of deposit with the local banks, would provide the sufficient
Following a general discussion of the question, the following
resolutions duly made and seconded, were unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, That the bid of The W. P. Thurston Company of
Richmond, Va., of $115,310.00 for the erection of the Orthopedic
and Obstetrical ward to the Hospital be and is hereby accepted,
and that the Committee on Buildings & Grounds be and is hereby
directed to proceed with the erection of the said building and
to take such steps as may be necessary in the matter:
RESOLVED, That the Alumni Board of Trustees of the University
of Virginia Endowment Fund, be, and it is hereby, requested
to lend to the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
to be applied toward the construction of the Orthopedic and
Obstetrical wing of the Hospital shortly to be undertaken, a sum
not in excess of Forty Thousand ($40,000), payable on demand, the
amount, or amounts, advanced to bear interest at the rate of six
per centum per annum from and after the dates when such sum or
sums shall have been advanced, respectively.
RESOLVED, That the Rector and Secretary of the Board be,
and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to execute on behalf
of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia,
their note, payable on demand, to the Alumni Board of Trustees
of the University of Virginia Endowment Fund for the aggregate
principal sum which may be lent by that Board to the Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia in response to the request
evidenced by these resolutions, which note shall bear interest
from date at the rate of six per centum per annum, and to pay
to the said Alumni Board of Trustees any interest that may have
accumulated upon advances made by it prior to the date of said note.
The Minutes of the meeting of the Alumni Board of Trustees
of the University Endowment Fund, April 9, 1923, a copy of which
had been furnished to each member of the Rector and Visitors,
was taken up, considered, and those matters requiring the attention
of this Board were acted on, as follows:
With respect to the several appropriations made, the following
was adopted:
RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors concur in the several
appropriations and expenditures authorized by the Alumni Board
of Trustees of the University of Virginia Endowment Fund,
as set forth in the minutes of their meeting on April 9, 1923,
a copy of which has been submitted to the Board, and express
their gratitude for the appropriation enabling them to go forward
without interruption to the completion of the Gymnasium
and Hospital Wing.
With resepct to the resolution of the Alumni Board of
Trustees stating it to be the sense of the said Board that
the securities held by said Board should be eliminated from the
report of the Bursar on the Endowment Funds of the University
and, further, that the Bursar be requested to omit from
future reports made by him the list of securities held by
this Board, but that a note be made in said report that it
does not include any statement of the case and securities held
by the Alumni Board of Trustees, etc., the following action
was taken:
RESOLVED, That Mr. Robert B. Tunstall, Treasurer of the
Alumni Board of Trustees, be requested to consider this question
with a committee consisting of the President, Messrs. Duke and
McIntire and the Bursar.
Mr. E. H. Coltrane, Sup't of Schools, for Roanoke Rapids,
N. C., appeared before the Board and requested that authority
be given the Rector to unite in the deed by which some ten
acres of land situated in or near Roanoke Rapids, N. C.
was to be conveyed to the Board of School Trustees of Roanoke
Rapids, by Mr. John Armstrong Chaloner, said deed to be
executed also by the proper authorities of the University of
North Carolina.
The request was granted and the papers in the matter ordered
spread on the minutes.
Copy of paper concerning land near Roanoke Rapids
The situation presented Mr. Coltrane's request was considered
fully, it appearing that the property in question being a
portion of a larger tract of land which along with other
property was dealt with by an instrument in writing under date
of May 10th 1912, and which was recorded in the Clerk's Office
of Albemarle County, Va., in D. B. 150, P. 36, and by which
instrument Mr. Chaloner undertook to convey said property to
the Universities of Virginia and North Cardina, jointly, reserving
to himself a life estate therein, and also reserving
certain rights with reference to encumberance and otherwise.
It was recalled that conveyance of another portion of this
land to the Roanoke Rapids School Board had been the subject
between Mr. John L. Patterson, Secretary of said Board
of School Trustees, Mr. Armistead C. Gordon, who was then
Rector, Dr. E. A. Alderman, the President, Mr. W. Allen
Perkins, Attorney for the University, and Mr. Chaloner himself,
that at a meeting held on the 9th of March 1915 the following
resolution was adopted upon the subject:-
"The question of whether or not the University has a right
to join in a deed conveying its rights in this property was
discussed at length, and owing to the uncertain position of the
University in the premises the whole matter was referred
to the Rector to investigate."
That after full investigation by the Rector, the Attorney
for the University and several members of the Board, at a
meeting of this Board held April 1915, the following resolution
was adopted:-
"That in view of the position taken by Mr. Chaloner, we
feel that it would not be proper for this Board to take any
action in the matter, and the Secretary is instructed to express
to Mr. Patterson the regret of the Board at its inability to
comply with his request."
The "position taken by Mr. Chaloner" was set out in a letter
from Mr. Chaloner to Mr. John L. Patterson under date of February
24th, 1915, and is expressed as follows:
"I cannot under any circumstances unite with said Universities.
Such an act would be an open admission onmy part
that there was a cloud upon the deed—which there is not."
In a letter to Mr. Coltrane under date of October 24th
1922, Mr. Perkins, writing as Attorney for the University,
in explanation of the foregoing action on the part of the
Board, makes the following statement:-
"An examination of my correspondence with Mr. Patterson
makes it plain that the difficulty of the University of Virginia
was that in 1915 Mr. Chaloner refused to unite in the deed
along with the Universities of Virginia and North Carolina.
The University of Virginia therefore felt that in view of this
attitude of Mr. Chaloner's it would probably be ungracious in
it to take any affirmative action."
It is understood, however, that Mr. Chaloner is willing
to make the conveyance now in question provided the Universities
of North Carolina and Virginia will unite with him in
his deed and convey and right, title or interest held by them
in and to the land in question. It is considered, therefore,
present case, and it is, therefore
RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, through its Rector and Secretary execute
and deliver to the Board of School Trustees of Roanoke Rapids,
North Carolina, a deed in fee for all its right, title,
interest and estate in and to that certain tract or parcel
of land situate in Roanoke Rapids Township, Halifax County,
North Carolina, containing ten acres more or less and being
a portion of the larger tract referred to in the foregoing
preamble, said ten acres being accurately described in a
deed which is presented to this meeting for execution,
copy of which is ordered spread as a part of this resolution.
On motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, That the Rector be and is hereby authorized
to execute a release deed to R. L. Carter for approximately
18 acres of a tract of some 95 acres of land on which
the University holds a deed of trust to secure a bond of
$1500 held for the University Cemetery Association.
Professor Fiske Kimball, Supervising Architect, presented
his bill for preparing plans for the proposed orthopedic and
obstetrical wing to the Hospital, in the sum of $2,035.95; same
was approved for payment.
A petition from the Albemarle Game and Fish Association,
W. H. Echols, President, was presented requesting the Board to
take action declaring the property of the University to be
a perpetual game refuge and sanctuary under the laws of the State
Providing and inviting the establishment of such sanctuaries
and game refuges for the purpose of protecting and propagating
game birds, etc. On motion, duly made and seconded, the following
resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED, That the property of the University of Virginia,
be, and is hereby, declared to be a perpetual game refuge
and sanctuary under the laws of the State, and the Department
of Game and Inland Fisheries be, and is hereby requested to establish
a sanctuary and game preserve thereon for the purpose
of protecting and propagating game birds, etc.
The contract between the University, the City of Charlottesville
and the County of Albemarle with reference to the maintenance
of a single health department, and for the establishment
of a course in Public Health in the medical School of the University,
as authorized at the last meeting of the Board, was presented,
of the Rector and Visitors by the Rector and Secretary
Copy of Contract
WHEREAS the County of Albemarle, the City of Charlottesville,
and the University of Virginia are so situated with reference
to each other that public health in said County, City and
University can best be promoted by the establishment and maintenance
of a single health department with control of the
three populations; and
WHEREAS one health department for the three communities
can be more economically and successfuly operated, and such
department will best protect the health of the entire
NOW THEREFORE THIS CONTRACT made this 1st day of January
1923, between the said County of Albemarle, hereinafter called
the County, of the first part, said City of Charlottesville,
hereinafter called the City, of the second part; and the
Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, hereinafter
called the University, of the third part,
I. That in consideration of the premises, and the mutual
benefits which will accrue to the parties thereto, said
County, City and University agree to form a Joint Health Department,
said Department to operate under the direction
of a Joint Health Board consisting of the County Board of
Health, the City Board of Health, and such representatives
as the University may designate. In all voting in this Joint
Board of Health, the representatives of each of the contracting
parties shall cast a single vote. Said Joint Board of Health
shall elect its own Chairman and Secretary from among its members
and shall hold regular meeting once every six months, and
special meetings at such other times as the Executive Committee
(hereinafter provided) may designate, notice of such special
meetings to be given by said Executive Committee in writing to
each of the members of said Joint Board of Health mailed
at least four days before the hour fixed for such meeting.
II. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Joint
Board of Health which Committee shall be composed of three members,
one selected by and from the Board of Health of said County,
one by and from said Board of City, and one by and from the representatives
of said University. Said Executive Committee shall
choose its own Chairman, and shall act in conference with the
Health Officer and shall represent the said Board in such matters
of said Board. Said Executive Committee shall meet at the
call of its Chairman but shall hold regular meetings once
each month, with the exception of July and August. Said
Executive Committee shall see that the Health Officer and the
others with access to public funds shall be properly bonded.
The funds and accounts of the Joint Health Department
shall be kept by the City Auditor, and the City shall be
allowed $25.00 per month for such services. Disbursements
shall be made on vouchers signed by the Health Officer.
III. Said Joint Board of Health shall, upon unanimous
recommendation of said Executive Committee, employ a Public
Health Officer; and said Joint Board of Health shall by
majority vote outline his duties, and fix his salary and term
of office. And said Public Health Officer shall make such
reports at such times to said Joint Health Board as said Board
may require. He may at any time be removed by said Board for
cause, and a successor appointed, after said Health Officer
has had a public hearing, before said Board, if he so elects.
IV. Said Executive Committee of said Joint Health Board
shall, upon recommendation of said Health Officer, appoint such
assistant health officer or officers, public health nurses,
sanitary inspectors, clinicians, social service workers, and
clerical help as said Executive Committee may deem necessary
for the prosecution of its work. Said Executive Committee shall
have full power to fix the salaries of said Assistant Health
officer, public health nurses had other employees named above,
any of whom may be removed for cause by said Executive Committee
at any time. Said Joint Health Board, its officers, committees
and employees, shall be known as the Joint Health Department.
V. It is understood and agreed that the position of
Health Officer shall be filled only be a person whose training
for work in public health is certified by an agency which can
advise with authority equal to that of the State Board of
Health of Virginia, the United States Public Health Service,
or the authorities in charge of the School of Public Health
of some nationally recognized American university.
VI. It is further agreed by the parties hereto that the
amployees and facilities of this public health unit shall be
used for teaching public health matters under the supervision of
the authorities of said University. This teaching shall at
least include didactic courses amounting to two session-hours,
conducted by the Health Officer or the Assistant Health
Officer, or both, at the University, of Epidemiology and Public
Health Administration throughout the regular session of the
University, and shall also include courses in the summer quarter
of the University given by the aforesaid officer or officers
utilization of the facilities of the Joint Health Department
under the supervision of the said Health Officer for practical
training of students of public health in the University.
And it is distinctly understood that no additional teaching
shall be given which shall in any way interfere with the administrative
efficiency of the Joint Health Department, and
further with the understanding that the students, in the practical
courses, shall as part of their practical training assist
without compensation in the work of the Board of Health in
the same manner as medical students in a teaching hospital
take histories, make laboratory tests, and perform other
services for the hospital.
It is understood that one session-hour means the equivalent
in time of one hour weekly of lecturing or two hours weekly
of practical work throughout the session of thirty-six weeks.
VII. Said City agrees to furnish a sum sufficient to pay
half the salary of the Health Officer; to pay a salary sufficient
to maintain at least one full-time sanitary inspector for the
City; and to insure the employment of a full-time public
health nurse for the City.
The City also agrees to furnish either office room and
office equipment suitable for the proper conduct of this
Joint Health Department, or else to furnish at least one-half
the cost of such office room, office equipment, office supplies
and clerical assistants, according as one or the other of these
alternative plans shall be agreed upon as most desirable by the
three parties hereto, provided the total proportion from the
City shall not exceed $7500.00 per annum.
Said County likewise agrees to pay half the salary of the
Health Officer, and further agrees to insure the employment of
at lease one sanitary inspector for the County, and at least
one County public health nurse, in cluding both salary and transportation
charges of above three types of officials. The
County also agrees to pay for County telephone tolls, and either
to furnish all office supplies ad clerical assistants, or else to
furnish one-half the cost of office rental, office equipment,
office supplies and clerical assistants, according as one or the
other of these alternative plans shall be agreed upon as most
desirable by the three parties hereto, provided the total proportion
from Albemarle County shall not exceed the sum of
$7500.00 per annum.
Said University agrees to assume all expenses of providing
professional medical and surgical attention to indigent patients
from said City and County; and to provide on terms to be agreed
upon annually by the said City and County and said University,
bed, board, and nursing care to such indigent patients as require
treatment in the public wards of the hospital, not to
it being understood that this applies only to patients
sent to said Hospital by said Health Officer upon written orders
signed by him; and to render on or before the 15th day of each
month to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County and the City Manager of Charlottesville a statement
of the number of cases from their respective territories
receiving diagnosis and treatment in the outpatient department
and the wards of the hospital and the number of patients
-days in the hospital during the preceding calendar month.
Said University further agrees to conduct in the University
Diagnostic Laboratories such bateriologic and chemical
examinations of water and milk, and to make such Wasserman
tests and test for the recognition of disease-producing
bacteria and parasites from suspected human sources such as
throat, intestines, etc., as the said University Diagnostic
Laboratories may be equipped to undertake these diagnostic
laboratory tests to be paid for by the University.
In consideration of the teaching provided in Section VI of
this contract, said University also agrees to furnish a sum not
to exceed $1,500.00 per annum, to be used toward securing
assistance for the Health Officer which shall probably take the
form of engaging an Assistant Health Officers, and further,
said University agrees to appoint at least two student assistants
to act as sanitary inspectors within the grounds of said
University, and to be under the supervision of said Health
Officer. Such student assistants within the limits permitted
by their studies shall be available for sanitary inspection or
work of similar nature not only within the grounds of said
University, but in such portions of said City or County
as said Health Officer shall see fit to assign to them.
VIII. It is further agreed by the parties hereto that the
public health laboratory examination shall be conducted only
upon such specimens as are delivered at the Diagnostic Laboratory
of the University in good condition and properly labeled
after having been collected under public health supervision in
accordance with standard methods, or by special methods to be
specified by the Director of the University Diagnostic Laboratory.
IX. The sums of money annually appropriated by the City,
County, and University for the support and extension of public
health work shall be budgeted to one account, and expended
under the supervision of the Joint Board of Health, who shall
make statements quarterly, or oftener if called for by said
County, City, or University, which said statements shall be
made to the City Business Manager, to Chairman of the Board of
Supervisors of Albemarle County, and the Bursar of the University
of Virginia. Furthermore, any properly authorized officer
time have access to the books of said Joint Board of Health.
X. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to formulate
policies which he shall submit to the Joint Board
of Health. And said Health Officer shall organize, be in
charge of and direct the work of the employees in the Department
of Health; and shall have power to discharge any
of said employees in case of emergency.
This contract shall be in force from its date and shall
expire on September 1st, 1923.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF Hollis Rinehart, Chairman of the
Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County has executed
this contract on behalf of said County, the seal of said
County having been duly affixed hereto and attested; the City
of Charlottesville has caused its name to be signed hereto by
John R. Morris, its Mayor, and its corporate seal hereunto
affixed and attested by H. A. Haden, Clerk of its Council; and
the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia has
caused its name to be signed hereto by C. Harding Walker, its
Rector, and itscorporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested
by E. I. Carruthers, Clerk of its Board of Visitors; all of
which is done this 1st day of January 1923.
By Hollis Rinehart, Chairman
W. L. Maupin, Clerk
By John R. Morris, Mayor
H. A. Haden
Clerk of Council
By C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers,
Clerk of Board of Visitors
County of Albemarle, to-wit:
I, John Graves, a Notary Public in and for the County
aforesaid, in the State of Virginia, hereby certify that
Hollis Rinehart, whose name as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
bearing date of January 1st, 1923, personally appeared before
me this day in my said County and in the name and on behalf of
said Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County acknowledged
the said writing as the act and deed of said Board of
Supervisors of Albemarle County; and made oath that he is
chairman of said Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, and
that the seal affixed to said writing is the true seal of said
County, and that it has been affixed thereto by due authority.
My commission expires May 17, 1925
Given under my hand this 5th day of March 1923.
John S. Graves, Notary Public
County of Albemarle, to-wit:
I, Alta C. Blake, a Notary Public in and for the County
aforesaid, in the State of Virginia, do certify that John R.
Morris, whose name as Mayor of the City of Charlottesville
is signed to the foregoing writing, bearing date of January
1st 1923, personally appeared before me this day in my said
County, and in the name and on behalf of said City of Charlottesville
acknowledged the said writing as the act and deed of said
City of Charlottesville; and made oath that he is Mayor of said
City of Charlottesville, and that the seal affixed to said
writing is the true seal of said City, and that it has been
affixed thereto by due authority.
My commission expires September 16, 1924
Given under my hand this 27th day of February 1923.
Alta C. Blake, Notary Public
County of Northumberland, to-wit:
I, A. K. Crallè, a Notary Public in and for the County
aforesaid, in the State of Virginia, do certify that C. Harding
Walker, whose name as Rector of the Rector and Visitors of
the University of Virginia is signed to the foregoing writing,
bearing date of January 1st 1923, personally appeared before me
this day in my said County, and in the name and on behalf of
said Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia acknowledged
the said writing as the act and deed of said Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia; and made oath that he is Rector
of said Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and
that the seal affixed to said writing is the true seal of said
by due authority.
My commission expires April 4th 1925
Given under my hand this 13 day of March 1923.
A. K. Cralle, Notary Public.
The budget for the fiscal year 1923-24 was presented,
considered, and on motion duly made and seconded, adopted.
(See page 257 for budget for the fiscal year
Income | 1922-23 | 1923-24 | Inc. | Dec. | |
I. | State Appropriation | 295,486 | 276,700 | 18,786 | |
II. | Income from Endowments: | ||||
Unrestricted | 88,456 | 100,043 | 12,087 | ||
Restricted | 55,327 | 56,220 | 987 | 94 | |
Scholarships | 10,639 | 10,898 | 300 | 41 | |
Miscellaneous Restricted | 1,108 | 1,732 | 624 | ||
III. | Gifts for Gen'l and Spec'l Purposes | 34,027 | 29,747 | 220 | 4,500 |
IV. | Students Fees and Rents | 226,080 | 231,375 | 9,000 | 3,705 |
V. | Hospital | 140,000 | 148,800 | 8,800 | |
VI. | Summer Quarter | 31,600 | 45,625 | 15,025 | 1,009 |
VII. | Students Loan Funds | 6,300 | 6,400 | 100 | |
VIII. | Cafeteria | 65,000 | 65,000 | ||
IX. | Miscellaneous | 28,570 | 28,095 | 25 | 500 |
Total | 982,602 | 1,000,635 | 47,168 | 29,135 | |
Expenditures | |||||
I. | Administration | 53,053 | 56,163 | 3,160 | 50 |
II. | College & Graduate Dep't | 238,982 | 237,939 | 11,215 | 112,258 |
III. | Medical Department | 82,635 | 85,221 | 4,075 | 1,489 |
IV. | Engineering Department | 34,723 | 34,494 | 4,550 | 4,779 |
V. | Curry Memorial School of Education | 17,430 | 17,950 | 520 | |
VI. | Law Department | 32,200 | 33,586 | 1,536 | 150 |
VII. | Physical Training | 3,312 | 3,312 | ||
VIII. | Summer Quarter | 54,875 | 69,980 | 16,555 | 1,450 |
IX. | Maintenance of Library | 14,660 | 14,760 | 100 | |
X. | Extension Service | 16,950 | 18,200 | 1,250 | |
XI. | Operation of Hospital | 105,694 | 203,302 | 13,110 | 5,500 |
XII. | Construction & Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds |
96,626 | 65,471 | 4,800 | 35,955 |
XIII. | Operation Heating and Power Plant |
25,659 | 30,076 | 5,315 | 898 |
XIV. | Payment of Interest & Sinking Fund Installments |
13,105 | 13,105 | ||
XV. | Advertising for Promoting Attendance |
3,925 | 3,925 | ||
XVI. | Distribution of Carnegie Retirement & Parrish Annuities |
18,105 | 18,105 | ||
XVII. | Providing Scholarships & Prizes | 18,057 | 19,316 | 1,300 | 41 |
XVIII. | Making Loans to Students | 7,300 | 7,400 | 100 | |
XIX. | Providing Lectures & Entertainment | 2,500 | 3,218 | 718 | |
XX. | Providing Subsistence for Students |
65,000 | 65,000 | ||
XXI. | Deficits | 10,000 | 10,000 | ||
Total | 1,004,789 | 1,000,523 | 68,304 | 72,570 |
ESTIMATED RECEIPTS | 1922-23 | 1923-24 | Inc. | Dec. |
General Maintenance | 232,261 | 220,900 | 11,361 | |
Capital Outlays | 62,225 | 54,700 | 7,425 | |
State Loan Fund | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Total | 295,486 | 276,700 | 18,786 | |
Centennial Endowment Fund | 21,000 | 28,000 | 7,000 | |
Jefferson Memorial Fund | 36,500 | 36,500 | ||
Adkins Donation | 6 | 6 | ||
T. Jefferson Coolidge Fund | 1,600 | 1,600 | ||
Marc A. Herd Memorial Fund | 4 | 7 | 3 | |
Julian E. Ingle Fund | 21 | 35 | 14 | |
Oliver H. Payne | 6,625 | 6,625 | ||
Mary Amelia Smith | 378 | 378 | ||
Arthur W. Austin Estate | 13,500 | 13,000 | 500 | |
E. W. James Estate | 6,000 | 11,000 | 5,000 | |
R. L. Parrish Bequest | 2,822 | 2,892 | 70 | |
Total | 88,456 | 100,043 | 12,087 | 500 |
Linden Kent Chair Eng. Lit. | 3,000 | 3,200 | 200 | |
Samuel Sachs Art Fund | 186 | 203 | 17 | |
McIntire Art & Music Fund | 9,000 | 9,000 | ||
Corcoran Fund for Astronomy | 6,000 | 6,000 | ||
Vanderbilt Fund for Astronomy | 4,100 | 4,800 | 700 | |
McIntire Com & Bus Admin. | 10,650 | 10,650 | ||
Porcer Com & Bus Admin. | 60 | 60 | ||
Curry Memorial Education | 4,550 | 4,550 | ||
John W. Scott Engineering | 200 | 200 | ||
Rogers, Physics | 60 | 60 | ||
Byrd Library Fund | 580 | 580 | ||
Gordon Library Fund | 350 | 336 | 14 | |
Green Library Fund | 6,630 | 6,700 | 70 | |
Kent Book Fund | 48 | Passed | 48 | |
Madison Library Fund | 156 | 156 | ||
Fuller Law Library Fund | 500 | 500 | ||
F. D. Minor Law Library Fund | 325 | 325 | ||
D'Arcy Paul Library Fund | 32 | Passed | 32 | |
Lambert Tree Library Fund | 300 | 300 | ||
Isablla M. Tunstall Lib. Fd | 300 | 300 | ||
Senff Grounds Maintenance | 300 | 300 | ||
Samuel Miller, Agr. Biology | 5,250 | 5,250 | ||
Cary Bible Lectureship | 2,750 | 2,750 | ||
Total | 55,327 | 56,220 | 987 | 94 |
ESTIMATED RECEIPTS | 1922-23 | 1923-24 | Inc. | Dec. |
Albemarle Chapter D. A. R. | 65 | 65 | ||
Louis Bennett (Law) | 268 | 227 | 41 | |
Valentine Birely | 300 | 300 | ||
J. Thompson Brown | 90 | 90 | ||
H. C. Cabell | 68 | 68 | ||
George Cameron | 300 | 300 | ||
Isaac Carey | 580 | 580 | ||
Kate Cabell Cox | 91 | 91 | ||
Elizabeth B. Garrett | 284 | 284 | ||
W. A. Herndon | 1,088 | 1,088 | ||
W. E. Homes | 60 | 60 | ||
Humphrey | ||||
J. Y. Mason Fellowship | 350 | 350 | ||
Phelps-Stokes Fellowship | 795 | 795 | ||
W. C. Rives Fellowship | 250 | 250 | ||
Isabella M. Sampson Sch. | 100 | 100 | ||
James H. Skinner Sch. | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
B. W. Green Scholarship | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
E. W. Folkes Scholarship | 1,800 | 1,800 | ||
Samuel Miller Scholarship | 750 | 750 | ||
Total | 10,639 | 10,898 | 300 | 41 |
Barbour-Page Lectureship | 1,100 | 1,100 | ||
William H. White Mem. Lec'ship | 618 | 618 | ||
E. A. Poe Memorial | 6 | 6 | ||
W. J. Bryan Prize | 8 | 8 | ||
Total | 1,108 | 1,732 | 624 | |
T.F. Ryan for Scholarships | 3,000 | 3,000 | ||
C. M. Blackford for Law Prize | 50 | 50 | ||
DuPont Fellowship | 750 | 750 | ||
Gen'l Education Board for salary Prof. S. E. |
3,600 | 3,600 | ||
Gen'l Education Board for salary increases |
16,667 | 16,667 | ||
S. A. Mitchell for Obser'v'ty | 4,960 | 5,080 | 120 | |
Medical Emergency Fund | 3,000 | 500 | 2,500 | |
Fiske Kimball for Instr Art & Architecture |
2,000 | 2,000 | ||
Charlottesville Kiwanis Club for Loan Fund |
100 | 100 | ||
Total | 34,027 | 29,747 | 220 | 4,500 |
University Fees, Fees and Rents |
201,250 | 209,250 | 8,000 | |
Extension Fees, etc. | 2,500 | 3,000 | 500 | |
Notes and Accounts | 1,000 | 500 | 500 | |
Special Examinations | 300 | 300 | ||
Laboratory Fees, Art & Arch. | 150 | 150 | ||
Col. & Graduate: Biology | 1,500 | 1,200 | ||
Chemistry | 11,000 | 8,975 | 2,025 | |
Geology | 300 | 300 | ||
Physics | 1,680 | 1,200 | 480 | |
Medicine: Anatomy | 1,150 | 1,000 | 150 | |
Bac & Path | 400 | 400 | ||
Clinical | 500 | 250 | 250 | |
Histology | 450 | 450 | ||
Pharmacology | 450 | 500 | 50 | |
Physio & Bio Chem | 900 | 900 | ||
Engineering | 3,000 | 3,000 | ||
Total | 226,080 | 231,375 | 9,000 | 3,705 |
V. HOSPITAL | ||||
City of Charlottesville | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
County of Albemarle | 1,000 | 2,000 | 1,000 | |
From Patients | 137,000 | 144,800 | 7,800 | |
Total | 140,000 | 148,800 | 8,800 | |
Surplus from (1921) (1922) | 1,009 | 1,009 | ||
Tuition, Registration & Medical Fees |
21,000 | 34,550 | 13,550 | |
Rents from dormitories | 3,200 | 3,700 | 500 | |
Receipts from Entertainments | 6,000 | 6,500 | 500 | |
Miscellaneous | 400 | 575 | 175 | |
State Board of Education | 300 | 300 | ||
Total | 31,609 | 45,625 | 15,025 | 1,009 |
ESTIMATED RECEIPTS | 1922-23 | 1923-24 | Inc. | Dec. |
State Fund | 3,000 | 3,000 | ||
Harvard Fund | ||||
R. E. Lee Fund | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Sarah E. Wright Fund | 200 | 200 | ||
Seven Club Fund | 200 | 200 | ||
Harrison Fund | 200 | 200 | ||
Lynchburg Alumni Fund | 200 | 200 | ||
Kiwanis Club | 100 | 100 | ||
Total | 6,300 | 6,400 | 100 | |
For meals served | 65,000 | 65,000 | ||
Carnegie Retirement Fund | 15,855 | 15,855 | ||
Rents, Heat & light | 11,000 | 11,000 | ||
Interest on Bank Balances | 1,000 | 500 | 500 | |
C. & A. Loop Contract | 240 | 240 | ||
Ensemble Concerts | 475 | 500 | 25 | |
Total | 28,570 | 28,095 | 25 | 500 |
Budget 1922-23 |
President's Recommendation for 1922-23 |
Increase | Decrease | |
A- Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
President, E. A. Alderman | 10,000 | 10,000 | ||
Dean, J. M. Page | 1,875 | 1,875 | ||
Ass't to Dean | 700 | 700 | ||
Stenographer, Miss Proffitt | 1,400 | 1,400 | ||
Bursar, E. I. Carruthers | 3,750 | 3,750 | ||
1st Ass't to Bursar, C.HH Thomas | 1,800 | 1,900 | 100 | |
2nd Ass't to Bursar, D. D. Colcok |
1,500 | 1,700 | 200 | |
Stenographer, Miss Stallings | 540 | 600 | 60 | |
Registrar, Miss V.E. Moran | 1,900 | 1,900 | ||
1st Ass't Reg. (Miss Ashhurst) | 750 | 750 | ||
2nd Ass't Reg. (Miss Kimbrough) | 600 | 600 | ||
Dean of Women, Miss Simpson | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
Sec. To Pres. Mrs. Richardson | 1,900 | 1,900 | ||
Stenographer to Deans | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Messenger to President | 600 | 600 | ||
Alumni Secretary | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Chief of New Bureau | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Attorney for Univ. W.A. Perkins | 300 | 300 | ||
Editor Alumni Bulletin | 500 | 500 | ||
University Physician | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
Janitor, Admin. Bldg & Bursar's Office and Rotunds |
192 | 192 | ||
Janitor, Lecture Rooms and Dean's Office |
396 | 396 | ||
Vacation Ass'ts-Stenog's | 150 | 150 | ||
Clerk to Chmn Bureau of App'ts | 150 | 150 | ||
A-2 Wages | ||||
Registration Assistants | 150 | 150 | ||
Total | 38,153 | 38,513 | 360 | |
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-4 Traveling | ||||
(a) Officers & Professors | 1,200 | 2,000 | 80 | |
(b) Board of Visitors | 600 | 600 | ||
B-6 Communication | 1,800 | 1,800 | ||
B-7 Printing, other than office supplies |
(a) Alumni Bulletin | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
(b) Catalog | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
(c) Miscellaneous, inc. Diplomas | 1,000 | 1,600 | 600 | |
B-8 Other Expenses | ||||
(a) President's Ent. Fund | 750 | 750 | ||
(b) Finals | 1,000 | 1,500 | 500 | |
(c) Miscellaneous | 765 | 765 | ||
(d) Care of Securities | 100 | 100 | ||
(e) Hospital Care of Students | 1,500 | 2,000 | 500 | |
(f) Dues Collegiate Ass'ns | 500 | 500 | ||
(g) Bond premiums-Bursar's | 85 | 85 | ||
(h) Annual Audit | 300 | 300 | ||
Total | 13,000 | 15,700 | 2,700 | |
C-Supplies | ||||
c-4 Office Supplies | 1,400 | 1,500 | 100 | |
C-12 Other Supplies | 100 | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 1,500 | 1,550 | 100 | 50 |
Total Expenses of Operation | 52,653 | 55,763 | 3,160 | 50 |
E*Equipment | ||||
E-1 Office Equipment | 400 | 400 | ||
Total for Administration | 53,053 | 56,163 | 3,160 | 50 |
A- Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
(1) Astronomy: | ||||
Prof. S. A. Mitchell (Inc.Rent) | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. C.P. Olivier | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
Asst. Prof. H.L. Alden | 2,300 | 2,400 | 100 | |
Fellows, Computers & Research Associated |
2,410 | 2,530 | 120 | |
Total | 11,710 | 11,930 | 220 | |
(2) Biblical History | ||||
Prof. W. M. Rorrest | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Assistant | 250 | 250 | ||
Total | 4,750 | 4,750 | ||
(3) Biology | ||||
Prof. Ivey Lewis | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. W. A. Kepner | 4,000 | 4,000 | ||
Instructors & Assistants | 1,250 | 1,250 | ||
Stock Clerk | 360 | 360 | ||
Janitor | 400 | 400 | ||
Total | 10,510 | 10,510 | ||
(4) Chemistry | ||||
Prof. Graham Edgar | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. R. M. Bird | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. G. L. Carter | 3,500 | 3,500 | ||
Asst. Prof. Pease | 2,250 | 2,350 | 100 | |
Actg. Prof. Yoe, | 2,750 | |||
Actg. Asst. Prof. | 2,250 | 2,250 | ||
Instructor | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Assistants | 4,100 | 4,100 | ||
DuPont Fellowships | 750 | 750 | ||
Teaching Fellowships | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
Stockkeeper (from fees) | 1,325 | 1,325 | ||
Stenographer (from fees) | 400 | 400 | ||
Machinist, A. J. Weed | 300 | 300 | ||
Janitors (2) | 1,095 | 1,095 | ||
Total | 27,670 | 28,270 | 2,850 | 2,250 |
(5) Commerce & Business Admin'stn | ||||
Asso. Prof. A. J. Barlow | 3,250 | 3,500 | 250 | |
Asso. Prof. A. Berglund | 3,500 | 3,500 | ||
Asst. Prof. H. C. Hawkins | 2,750 | 2,750 | ||
Asst. Prof. W.F. Cox, Jr. Inst'tr in Com'l Law |
750 | 950 | 200 | |
Instr. in Accounting | 600 | 600 | ||
Assistants (4) | 1,000 | 1,100 | 100 | |
Ass'ts to be supplied | 400 | 400 | ||
Total | 12,250 | 12,800 | 550 | |
(6) Economics | ||||
Prof. (JM Page( Wilson Gee) | 4,500 | 3,750 | 750 | |
Asso. Prof. T. R. Snavely | 3,500 | 3,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. E. A. Kincaide | 3,450 | 3,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. Bruce Williams | 2,800 | 3,000 | 200 | |
Instructors & Assistants in Economics |
1,100 | 1,250 | 150 | |
Instructor-Civil Government | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Instructor-Com'l Geography | 400 (x) | 200 | 200 | |
(x) $200 applies to salary W. F. Cox in Sec. 5. |
200 | |||
Total | 16,950 | 16,200 | 400 | 1,150 |
Budget 1922-23 |
Recom 1923-24 |
Inc. | Dec. | |
(7) English (E. A. Poe School) | ||||
Prof. J. S. Wilson | 3,850 | 4,000 | 150 | |
Asso. Prof. A. L. Hench | 3,000 | 3,150 | 150 | |
Instructor | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Board of Visitors Fellowship | 200 | 200 | ||
Assistants | 600 | 600 | ||
Total | 9,150 | 9,450 | 300 | |
(8) English Literature (linden Kent School) |
Prof. J. C. Metcalf | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. H. P. Johnson | 2,250 | 2,500 | 250 | |
Asst. Prof. A. C. Gordon, Jr. | 1,800 | 2,000 | 200 | |
Instructors | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Assistants | 800 | 600 | 200 | |
Board of Visitors Fellowships | 200 | 200 | ||
Total | 11,050 | 11,300 | 450 | 200 |
(9) Art & Architecture | ||||
Prof. Joseph Hudnut | 3,750 | 4,000 | 250 | |
Asst. Prof. S. J. Makelski | 1,750 | 1,750 | ||
Instr. Arch. Design | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
Janitor | 50 | 50 | ||
Total | 8,580 | 5,800 | 250 | 2,500 |
(10) Music | ||||
Prof. A. Fickenscher | 3,750 | 3,750 | ||
Asst. Prof. H. R. Pratt | 1,500 | 1,800 | 300 | |
Janitor | 54 | 54 | ||
Total | 5,304 | 5,604 | 300 | |
(11) Geology | ||||
Prof. T. L. Watson | 3,000 | 3,000 | ||
Asso. Prof. A. W. Giles | 2,500 | 2,750 | 250 | |
Asst. Prof. J. T. Lonsdale | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
Assistants | 600 | 950 | 350 | |
Janitor | 480 | 480 | ||
Total | 8,580 | 9,180 | 600 | |
(12) Germanic Languagues | ||||
Prof. W. H. Faulkner | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Assistant | 450 | 450 | ||
Total | 4,950 | 4,950 | ||
(13) Greek | ||||
Prof. R. H. Webb | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
J. S. McLemore | 850 | 1,000 | 150 | |
Total | 5,350 | 5,500 | 150 | |
(14) History | ||||
Prof. R. H. Dabney | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. (new) | 4,250 | 3,500 | 750 | |
Asso. Prof. | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
Instructor | 300 | 300 | ||
Rives Fellowship | 250 | 250 | ||
Total | 11,800 | 8,550 | 3,250 | |
(15) Latin | ||||
Prof. Thos Fitzhugh (inc rent) | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asst. Prof. J. S. McLemore | 1,475 | 1,475 | ||
Asst. Prof. E. H. Lehman | 450 | 500 | 50 | |
Instructor | 300 | 300 | ||
Total | 6,725 | 6,775 | 50 | |
(16) Mathematics | ||||
Prof J. M. Page (inc.rent) | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof W. H. Echols (inc.rent) | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof John J. Luck | 3,250 | 3,500 | 250 | |
Instructor F. A. Wells | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
Instructor W. T. Straley | 1,300 | 1,300 | ||
Assistants | 1,050 | 1,250 | 200 | |
Total | 16,600 | 17,050 | 450 | |
(17) Philosophy | ||||
Prof. A. Lefevre | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. A. G. A. Balz | 3,500 | 3,500 | ||
Asst. Prof. W. S. A. Pott | 2,000 | 2,250 | 250 | |
Assistants (4) | 1,000] | 1,250 | 250 | |
Total | 11,000 | 11,500 | 500 | |
(18) Physics | ||||
Prof. L. G. Hoxton | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. C. M. Sparrow | 3,850 | 4,000 | 150 | |
Ass't Prof. F. L. Brown | 2,250 | 2,250 | ||
Instructors (2) | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Assistants (3) | 2,000 | 1,500 | 500 | |
Instrument Maker | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Janitor | 500 | 500 | ||
Total | 15,600 | 15,250 | 150 | 500 |
(19) Public Speaking | ||||
Asso. Prof. C. W. Paul | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
(20) Romanic Languages | ||||
Prof. R. H. Wilson | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. J. C. Bardin | 3,250 | 3,250 | ||
Asso. Prof. W. P. Graham | 2,850 | 3,000 | 150 | |
Asso. Prof. F. H. Abbot | 2,850 | 3,000 | 150 | |
Prof. (Asst) W. E. Knight | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
Prof. (Asst) E. L. Lehman | 1,350 | 1,500 | 150 | |
Instructors & Assistants | 2,800 | 2,900 | ||
Total | 20,200 | 20,650 | 450 | |
(21) Forestry | ||||
Asso. Prof. R. C. Jones | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
(22) Miscellaneous | ||||
Dean Graduate Department | 250 | 250 | ||
Janitor Cabell Hall | 500 | 500 | ||
Janitors Peabody Hall | 810 | 810 | ||
Total | 1,560 | 1,560 | ||
Total Personal Service | 221,759 | 219,579 | 7,470 | 9,850 |
Art and Architecture | 150 | 150 | ||
Research Bureau | 500 | 750 | 250 | |
Astronomy Appropriation | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
Astronomy for 1923 Eclipse Expe. | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Biology Appropriation | 500 | 500 | ||
Biology Fees | 1,500 | 1,200 | 300 | |
Chemistry Appropriation | 850 | 850 | ||
Chemistry Fees | 9,275 | 8,975 | 300 | |
Commerce & Bus. Admn Equipment | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Economics, Trav. Exp Faculty | 200 | 200 | ||
English Kent School (Books) | 48 | 48 | ||
Geology Appropriation | 500 | 1,000 | 500 | |
Geology Fees | 300 | 300 | ||
Art. & Arch. Lab'y Appropriation | 100 | 100 | ||
Art. & Arch. Lab'y Equipment | 110 | 100 | 10 | |
Music Lab'y Appropriation | 300 | 300 | ||
Physics Lab'y Appropriation | 810 | 60 | 750 | |
Physics Lab'y Fees | 180 | 1,200 | 1,020 | |
Radio Appropriation | 150 | 150 | ||
Forestry Appropriation | 250 | 250 | ||
Latin - (Improvement Reflecttoscopes) | 75 | 75 | ||
Total | 17,223 | 18,366 | 3,545 | 2,408 |
Total for Maintenance of College & Graduate Department |
238,982 | 237,939 | 11,215 | 12,258 |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
(1) Anatomy | ||||
Prof. R. B. Bean | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. C. C. Speidel | 2,750 | 3,000 | 250 | |
Instructor | 1,500 | 1,000 | 500 | |
Janitor & Embalmer | 700 | 700 | ||
Total | 9,450 | 9,200 | 250 | 500 |
(2) Bacteriology & Pathology | ||||
Prof. H. T. Marshall | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Instructor, Bacteriology | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
Technician | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
Instructor, Pathology | 1,800 | 2,000 | 200 | |
Janitor | 600 | 600 | ||
Janitor (1st term) | 150 | 150 | ||
Clinical Assistant | 600 | 600 | ||
Total | 8,175 | 8,175 | ||
(3) Clinical Medicine | ||||
Prof. J. C. Flippin | 4,125 | 4,125 | ||
Asso. Prof. W. E. Bray | 3,000 | 3,000 | ||
Instructor | 300 | 300 | ||
Instructor, Clinical Diagnosis | 750 | 750 | ||
Total | 8,175 | 8,175 | ||
(4) Diseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat |
Prof. H. S. Hedges | 313 | 313 | ||
Prof. R. F. Compton | 312 | 312 | ||
Total | 625 | 625 | ||
(5) Histology & Embryology | ||||
Prof. H. E. Jordan | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Instructor | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
Assistant | 150 | 150 | ||
Total | 6,650 | 6,650 | ||
(6) Hygiene | ||||
Prof. W. A. Lambeth (inc rent) | 3,750 | 3,750 | ||
(7) Obstetrics | ||||
Prof. W. D. Macon | 1,250 | 1,250 | ||
(8) Pharmacology & Materia Medica | ||||
Prof. J. A. Waddell | 4,000 | 4,000 | ||
Assistants | 500 | 950 | 450 | |
Janitor | 300 | 300 | ||
Total | 4,800 | 5,250 | 450 | |
(9) Phthisio-theraphy | ||||
Dr. Brown, Blue Ridge San'i'tm | 3,000 | 3,000 | ||
(10) Physiology | ||||
Prof. T. Hough | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asst. Prof. | 2,750 | 2,500 | 500 | |
Instructor | 1,800 | 2,000 | 200 | |
Technician | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
Janitor | 360 | 360 | ||
Total | 10,610 | 10,310 | 200 | 500 |
(11) Practice of Medicine | ||||
Prof. J. S. Davis | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Instructor | 300 | 300 | ||
Total | 4,800 | 4,800 | ||
(12) Surgery & Gynecology | ||||
Prof. S. H. Watts | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. W. H. Goodwin | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. J. H. Neff | 1,375 | 1,500 | 125 | |
Instructor | 300 | 300 | ||
Asst. Surgeon Patholgy | 100 | 100 | ||
Asst. Prof. I. A. Bigger | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Total | 8,775 | 9,500 | 1,125 | 400 |
(13) Miscellaneous | ||||
Dean Theo. Hough | 250 | 250 | ||
Secretary to Dean | 600 | 600 | ||
850 | 850 | |||
(14) Public Health | ||||
Asst. Prof. W. S. Keister | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Secretary to Chairman of Comn on Public Health |
500 | 500 | ||
Sanitarians (2) | 350 | 350 | ||
Total | 1,500 | 2,350 | 850 | |
Total Personal Services | 74,335 | 76,760 | 3,825 | 1,400 |
Anatomical Lab'y Appropriation Fees | 800 | 800 | ||
Anatomical Lab'y Fees | 1,150 | 1,000 | 150 | |
Bac. & Path. Lab'y Appropriation | 850 | 1,000 | 150 | |
Bac. & Path. Lab'y Fees | 400 | 400 | ||
Clinical Lab'y Appropriation | 600 | 850 | 250 | |
Clinical Lab'y Fees | 500 | 250 | 250 | |
Histology & Embryology Lab App'n | 350 | 350 | ||
Histology & Embryology Lab Fees | 450 | 450 | ||
Pharmacology & Mat. Med. Lab. App'n | 600 | 600 | ||
Pharmacology & Mat. Med. Lab. Fees | 450 | 500 | 50 | |
Physio. & Biochem. Laby' App'n | 800 | 800 | ||
Physio. & Biochem. Lab'y Fees | 900 | 900 | ||
Physio. & Biochem. New Apparatus | 100 | 50 | 50 | |
Animal House Maintenance | 150 | 150 | ||
Obstetrical Equipment | 50 | 50 | ||
Medical College Merger Exp. (Pringg) | 150 | 111 | 39 | |
Traveling Expense Chm Com on P. H. | 200 | 200 | ||
8,300 | 8,461 | 850 | 499 | |
Total in Education Medicine | 82,635 | 85,221 | 4,475 | 1,889 |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Dean, W. M. Thornton | 250 | 250 | ||
Prof. W. M. Thonrton (inc.rent) | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. J. L. Newcomb | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. Charles Hancock | 4,000 | 4,000 | ||
Prof. W. S. Rodman | 4,000 | 4,000 | ||
Asst. Prof. J. S. Miller | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
Asst. Prof. E. W. Saunders | 2,250 | 2,250 | ||
Inst. Electircal Engineering | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Instructors and Assistants (22) |
4,250 | 4,000 | 250 | |
Janitors (2) | 723 | 694 | 29 | |
Asst. Prof. Exp. En'g, J. S. Lappam | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
Asst. Prof. Mec. Engineering | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
Total | 27,473 | 30,694 | 4,500 | 1,279 |
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-1 General Repairs | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
B-3 Light, Heat & Power | 200 | 200 | ||
B-4 Traveling | 50 | 50 | ||
B-6 Communication | 50 | 50 | ||
B-8 Other Expenses | 50 | 50 | ||
Total | 1,350 | 1,350 | ||
C-Supplies | ||||
C-3 Fuel Supplies | 50 | 50 | ||
C-4 Office Supplies | 150 | 150 | ||
C-5 Medical & Lab'y Supplies | 2,000 | 300 | 1,700 | |
C-5 Jones Endmt for Journals | 150 | 150 | ||
Total | 2,350 | 650 | 1,700 | |
Total Expenses of Operation | 31,173 | 32,695 | 4,500 | 2,979 |
E-Equipment | ||||
E-1 Office Equipment | 50 | 100 | 50 | |
E-3 Medical & Lab'y Equipment | 3,500 | 1,700 | 1,800 | |
Total Capital Outlays | 3,550 | 1,800 | 50 | 1,800 |
Total for Education in Eng'g. | 34,723 | 34,494 | 4,550 | 4,779 |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Prof. & Dean J. L. Manahan | 4,250 | 4,250 | ||
Prof. C. G. Maphis | 4,000 | 4,000 | ||
Prof. W. R. Smithey | 3,850 | 4,000 | 150 | |
Prof. George O. Ferguson | 3,850 | 4,000 | 150 | |
Librarian | 480 | 500 | 20 | |
Total | 16,430 | 16,750 | 320 | |
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-4 Traveling & Field Work | 300 | 300 | ||
C-Supplies | ||||
C-5 Medical & Lab'y Supplies | 100 | 100 | ||
C-5 Psychological Lab'y Sup's. | 300 | 500 | 200 | |
C-5 Bureau Tests & Measurements | 300 | 300 | ||
Total | 700 | 900 | 200 | |
Total for Curry Memorial Department of Education |
17,430 | 17,950 | 520 | |
A-Personal Services | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Dean, W. M. Lile | 250 | 250 | ||
Prof. W. M. Lile | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. R. C. Minor | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. C. A. Graves | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. A. M. Dobie | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Prof. George B. Eager | 4,500 | 4,500 | ||
Asso. Prof. C. W. Paul | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
Graduate Assistant | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
VI. EDUCATION IN LAW (Continued) | ||||
A-Personal Services | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Assistants (5) | 1,550 | 1,550 | ||
Librarian, Miss. Lipop | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
Assistant Librarian | 200 | 200 | ||
Secretary | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Janitor | 450 | 450 | ||
Total | 30,150 | 30,150 | ||
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-4 Traveling | 100 | 150 | 50 | |
B-6 Communication | 10 | 20 | 10 | |
B-7 Printing, other than of Sup | 10 | 40 | 30 | |
B-8 Other Expenses, Memberships | 30 | 40 | 10 | |
Total | 150 | 250 | 100 | |
C-Supplies | ||||
C-4 Office Supplies | 200 | 50 | 150 | |
Total Expenses of Operation | 30,500 | 30,450 | 100 | 150 |
E-Equipment | ||||
E-8 Other Equipment (Books) | 1,700 | 1,825 | 125 | |
Steel Books Stacks | 1,311 | 1,311 | ||
Total Capital Outlays | 1,700 | 3,136 | 1,436 | |
Total Education in Law | 32,200 | 33,586 | 1,536 | 150 |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Prof. W. A. Lambeth, Director | ||||
H. H. Lannigan, Asso. Director | 1,487 | 1,487 | ||
Instructors | 775 | 775 | ||
Janitor | 600 | 600 | ||
Total | 2,862 | 2,862 | ||
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-1 General Repairs | 100 | 100 | ||
B-3 Light, Heat & Power | 125 | 125 | ||
B-6 Communication | 10 | 10 | ||
Total | 235 | 235 | ||
C-Supplies | ||||
C-5 Medical & Lab'y Supples | 200 | 200 | ||
C-6 Laundering, cleaning & disinfecting supplies |
15 | 15 | ||
Total | 215 | 215 | ||
Total for Maintenance Department Physical Training |
3,312 | 3,312 | ||
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Dean, C. G. Maphis | 1,125 | 1,125 | ||
Dean of the College, J. M. Page |
125 | 125 | ||
Local Manager | 525 | 550 | 25 | |
Registrars | 600 | 400 | 200 | |
Bursar's Assistants | 200 | 225 | 25 | |
Stenographer to Director | 450 | 885 | 435 | |
Pysicians to Students | 600 | 725 | 125 | |
Matron | 250 | 325 | 75 | |
Watchman | 200 | 250 | 50 | |
Y. W. C. A. Secretary | 250 | 350 | 100 | |
Librarians | 125 | 350 | 225 | |
Chaperon at "Barracks" | 50 | 50 | ||
Publicity | 75 | 75 | ||
Instructors | 35,250 | 42,065 | 6,815 | |
Total | 39,700 | 47,500 | 8,000 | 200 |
A-2 Wages | ||||
Janitors and Maids | 1,500 | 1,800 | 300 | |
Clerical Help in Dean's, Manager's and Registrar's Offices |
1,000 | 1,000 | ||
For Lectures & Entertainments | 250 | 250 | ||
For Receptions, Vespers, etc |
150 | 150 | ||
Total | 2,500 | 3,200 | 700 | |
A-3 Special Payments | ||||
Lyceum Course | 6,000 | 5,500 | 500 | |
Vespers | 100 | 100 | ||
Superintendents' Conference Speakers |
400 | 400 | ||
Total | 6,000 | 6,000 | 500 | 500 |
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-4 Traveling | 100 | 200 | 100 | |
B-6 Communication | 200 | 500 | 300 | |
B-7 Printing | 1,200 | 1,350 | 150 | |
B-8 Other Expenses: | ||||
Advertising | 400 | 650 | 250 | |
Rent of Madison Hall | 125 | 225 | 100 | |
Rent of Sewing Machines | 50 | 50 | ||
Rent of Typewriters | 125 | 125 | ||
Rent of Dormitories | 400 | 400 | ||
Rent of Dormitories Furniture | 700 | 650 | 50 | |
Rent of Pianos for teaching | 100 | 100 | ||
Receptions | 100 | 100 | ||
Lectures & Entertainments | 500 | 500 | ||
Electric Current | 50 | 50 | ||
Miscellaneous | 500 | 200 | 300 | |
Total | 3,625 | 4,700 | 1,825 | 750 |
C-Supplies | ||||
C-4 Office Supplies | 450 | 900 | 450 | |
C-5 Medical & Lab'y Supplies | 1,800 | 2,200 | 400 | |
C-6 Cleansing & Disinfecting Sup's | 200 | 200 | ||
C-12 Other Supplies: | ||||
Lectures & entertainments | 200 | 200 | ||
Miscellaneous | 400 | 400 | ||
Total | 3,050 | 3,900 | 850 | |
Total Expense of Operation | 54,875 | 65,300 | 11,875 | 1,450 |
Capital Outlays | ||||
E-Equipment | ||||
E-3 Medical & Laboratory Equipment. | 250 | 250 | ||
I-Extraordinary Expense | ||||
I-1 Deficits | ||||
Session 1922 (Half out this yr) | 4,430 | 4,430 | ||
Total Maintenance Summer Quarter | 54,875 | 69,980 | 16,555 | 1,450 |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Librarian, John S. Patton | 3,250 | 3,250 | ||
Asst. Librarian, Miss Dinwiddie |
1,600 | 1,600 | ||
Cataloguer & Med. Librarian | 1,125 | 1,125 | ||
Circulation Clerk | 930 | 930 | ||
Asst. Circulation Clerk | 720 | 720 | ||
Night Librarian | 225 | 225 | ||
Stenographer | 600 | 600 | ||
Janitor | 360 | 360 | ||
Total | 8,810 | 8,810 | ||
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-6 Communication | 100 | 100 | ||
B-7 Printing, other than Of. Sup's | 100 | 100 | ||
B-8 Other Expenses | 50 | 50 | ||
Binding | 500 | 600 | 100 | |
750 | 850 | 100 | ||
C-Supplies | ||||
C-4 Office Supplies | 100 | 100 | ||
Total Expenses of Operation | 9,660 | 9,760 | 100 | |
E-Equipment | ||||
E-1 Office Equipment | ||||
E-3 Medical & Lab'y Equipment | 50 | 50 | ||
E-8 Other Equipment Books and periodicals |
4,950 | 4,950 | ||
Total Capital Outlays | 5,000 | 5,000 | ||
Total Maintenance of Library | 14,660 | 14,760 | 100 | |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Director, C. G. Maphis | 300 | 300 | ||
Secretary, Elsie Maphis | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
Stenographer | 450 | 600 | 150 | |
& league |
1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Instructor, Miss. Pidgeon | 1,800 | 1,800 | ||
Instructor, | 450 | 450 | ||
Instructor, | 450 | 450 | ||
Fees to Professors for Lectures |
1,200 | 1,500 | 300 | |
Director Correspondence courses and short courses |
400 | 400 | ||
Total | 7,250 | 7,700 | 450 | |
A-2 Wages | ||||
Clerical Assistant | 450 | 450 | ||
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-4 Traveling | 3,500 | 3,500 | ||
B-5 Transportation | 100 | 100 | ||
B-6 Communication | 150 | 250 | 100 | |
B-7 Printing, other than Office Supplies |
2,300 | 3,000 | 700 | |
B-8 Other Expenses (Adv) | 100 | 100 | ||
Total | 6,150 | 6,950 | 800 | |
C-Supplies | ||||
C-4 Office Supplies | 600 | 600 | ||
C-8 Educational & Recreational | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
C-10 Other Supplies: | ||||
Visual Instruction | 750 | 750 | ||
Package Libraries | 750 | 750 | ||
Total | 3,100 | 3,100 | ||
Total Maintenance University Extension Service |
16,950 | 18,200 | 1,250 | |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Superintendent | 3,000 | 3,000 | ||
Book-keeper | 840 | 840 | ||
Asst Book-keeper & O.P.D. Clerk |
1,020 | 1,020 | ||
Roentgenologist | 5,500 | 6,500 | 1,000 | |
Orthopedist | 2,000 | 3,000 | 1,000 | |
Director of Laboratories | 2,000 | 3,000 | 1,000 | |
Syphilolgist | 480 | 480 | ||
Anesthetist | 1,800 | 1,800 | ||
Technicians (3) 1800, 1200, 900 |
3,900 | 3,900 | ||
Sup't of Nurses | 1,800 | 1,800 | ||
Asst Supt' of Nurses | 1,800 | 1,800 | ||
Night Supervisor | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
Sup't Operating Room | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
Charge Nurses - 3 wards | 2,700 | 2,700 | ||
Instructor Training School | 1,800 | 1,800 | ||
Nurses in Training | 7,160 | 7,160 | ||
Dietician | 1,200 | 1,500 | 300 | |
Asst. Dietician | 120 | 120 | ||
Housekeeper | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Matron Nurses Home | 600 | 600 | ||
Sup't Linen Room | 520 | 520 | ||
Telephone Operator | 540 | 720 | 180 | |
Stenographer to Surgeons | 600 | 600 | ||
Carpenter, Plumber, Electrician | 1,033 | 1,033 | ||
Orderlies, Maids & Cooks | 23,409 | 23,409 | ||
Total | 67,302 | 71,302 | 4,000 | |
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-1 General Repairs | 3,000 | 4,000 | 1,000 | |
B-2 Motor Vehicle Repairs | 250 | 250 | ||
B-3 Light, Heat, Power & water | 2,400 | 3,500 | 1,100 | |
B-4 Travelling | 150 | 150 | ||
B-6 Communication | 1,300 | 1,300 | ||
B-7 Printing, other than Office Supplies |
750 | 1,000 | 250 | |
B-8 Other Expenses: | ||||
Laudnering | 17,000 | 18,000 | 1,000 | |
Advertising | 90 | 200 | 110 | |
29,940 | 28,400 | 3,460 | ||
C-Supplies | ||||
C-1 Food Supplies | 55,000 | 60,000 | 5,000 | |
C-3 Fuel Supplies | 3,500 | 3,000 | 500 | |
C-4 Office Supplies | 200 | 300 | 100 | |
C-5 Medical & Lab'y Supplies | 23,000 | 23,000 | ||
C-6 Laundering, Cleansing & Disinfecting Supplies |
4,500 | 4,500 | ||
C-7 Refrigerating Supplies | 2,000 | 2,400 | 400 | |
C-8 Educational & Recreational | 150 | 200 | 50 | |
C-10 Motor Vehicle Supplies | 250 | 250 | ||
C-11 Wearing Apparel | 750 | 750 | ||
Totall | 89,350 | 94,400 | 5,550 | 500 |
D-Materials | ||||
D-2 Building Materials | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
E-Equipment | ||||
E-2 Household Equipment | 4,000 | 4,000 | ||
E-3 Medical & Lab'y Equipment | 3,000 | 3,000 | ||
Total | 7,000 | 7,000 | ||
Total Expenses of Operation | 189,592 | 202,102 | 13,010 | 500 |
E-Equipment | ||||
E-1 Office Equipment | 100 | 200 | 100 | |
E-2 Household Equipment | 500 | 500 | ||
E-3 Medical & Lab'y Equipment | 500 | 500 | ||
Total Capital Outlays | 1,100 | 1,200 | 100 | |
I-1 Deficits | ||||
Operating Deficit (1921) (1922) (1923) |
5,000 | 5,000 | ||
Total for Operation of Hospital | 195,692 | 203,302 | 13,110 | 5,500 |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Superintendent, W.A. Lambeth | 950 | 950 | ||
Dormitory Janitors (5) | 1,935 | 1,935 | ||
Watchman | 552 | 552 | ||
Total | 3,437 | 3,437 | ||
A-2 Wages | ||||
Foreman | 1,014 | 1,014 | ||
Plumber | 936 | 936 | ||
Ass't to Plumber | 783 | 783 | ||
Carpenter | 1,404 | 1,404 | ||
Labor on Grounds | 9,517 | 9,517 | ||
Total | 17,091 | 17,091 | ||
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-1 General Repairs | 3,000 | 1,000 | 2,000 | |
B-2 Motor Vehicle Repairs | 350 | 250 | 100 | |
B-3 Light, Heat, Power & Water | 1,080 | 1,080 | ||
B-8 Other Expenses: | ||||
Maintenance Y.M.C.A. | 400 | 400 | ||
Fire Protection (City) | 200 | 200 | ||
Workmens Compensation | 100 | 100 | ||
Total | 5,130 | 3,030 | 2,100 | |
C-Supplies | ||||
C-2 Forage & Veterinary Supplies | 630 | 500 | 130 | |
C-6 Laundery, Cleaning & Disfinecting | 500 | 900 | 400 | |
C-9 Agricultural & Botanical Sup's | 200 | 200 | ||
C-10 Motor Vehicle Supplies | 500 | 650 | 150 | |
C-12 Other Supplies | 50 | 250 | 200 | |
Total | 1,880 | 2,500 | 750 | 130 |
D-Materials | ||||
D-1 Highway Materials | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
D-2 Building Materials | 4,500 | 2,500 | 2,000 | |
D-4 Other Materials | 200 | 100 | 100 | |
D-3 Sewer & Water Materials | 500 | 500 | ||
Total | 6,700 | 5,100 | 500 | 2,100 |
G-Fixed Charges, State Grants & Contracts |
G-3 Furniture Rent | 2,925 | 2,925 | ||
G-4 Insurance | 2,700 | 3,000 | 300 | |
Total | 2,700 | 5,925 | 3,225 | |
Total Expenses of Operation | 33,501 | 33,646 | 4,475 | 4,330 |
E-Equipment | ||||
E-3 Medical & Laby Equipment | 1,000 | 500 | 500 | |
Chairs for Lecture Rooms | ||||
E-8 Motor Vehicles (Lawn. Mower) | 825 | 825 | ||
E-8 Other Equipment | 100 | 100 | ||
Total | 1,925 | 600 | 1,325 | 1,325 |
F-Land and Structures | ||||
F-2 Structures | ||||
Completing part of 2nd floor Biological Laby |
1,200 | 900 | 300 | |
Second Unit Cehtral Heating Plant |
60,000 | 30,000 | 30,000 | |
Extension of Bell System | 325 | 325 | ||
Total | 61,200 | 31,225 | 325 | 30,300 |
Total Capital Outlays | 63,125 | 31,825 | 325 | 31,625 |
Total for Construction and Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds |
96,626 | 65,471 | 4,800 | 35,955 |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Supt & Electrician, J. Golding |
1,080 | 1,080 | ||
Supt New Central Plant | 1,080 | 1,800 | ||
Total | 1,080 | 2,880 | 1,800 | |
A-2 Wages | ||||
Engineer, Old Power House | 912 | 912 | ||
Fireman Old Power House (3) | 2,737 | 2,492 | 245 | |
Fireman New Power House (3) | 1,642 | 2,492 | 850 | |
Other Stations | 653 | 653 | ||
Total | 7,024 | 8,776 | 2,650 | 898 |
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-1 General Repairs | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
C-Supplies | ||||
C-3 Fuel Supplies | 15,435 | 18,000 | 2,565 | |
C-12 Other Supplies | ||||
Electrical Supplies | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Lubricating oil etc. | 200 | 300 | 100 | |
Total | 17,135 | 19,800 | 2,665 | |
Total for Operation of Heating & Power Plant |
25,659 | 30,076 | 5,315 | 898 |
I- Extraordinary Expenses | ||||
I-2 Interest | ||||
Interest on $200,000 4% Bonds | 8,000 | 8,000 | ||
Interest on 2,174 6% Bonds | 130 | 130 | ||
Interest on 29,500 5% Law Bds. Bldg Loan |
1,475 | 1,475 | ||
Interest on temporary Bank Loans |
1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Total | 11,105 | 11,105 | ||
J-Rotary Fund | ||||
J-1 Imprest Cash | ||||
Annual Sinking Fund Installmt | 2,000 | 2,000 | ||
Total for Payment of Interest and Sinking Fund Installmts |
13,105 | 13,105 | ||
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Stenographers | 75 | 75 | ||
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-4 Traveling (Va. Club) | 500 | 500 | ||
B-6 Communication | 100 | 100 | ||
B-7 Printing, other than Office Supplies |
250 | 250 | ||
B-8 Other Expenses | ||||
Advertising, Newspapers and Periodicals |
3,000 | 3,000 | ||
Total | 3,850 | 3,850 | ||
Total for Advertising for Promoting Attendance |
3,925 | 3,925 | ||
H-Pensions | ||||
Carnegie Retirments | 15,855 | 15,855 | ||
Parrish Annuity | 2,250 | 2,250 | ||
Total | 18,105 | 18,105 | ||
G-Fixed Charges, State Grants and Contributions |
G-6 Contributions | ||||
Bennett, Louis | 268 | 227 | 41 | |
Birely, Valentine | 300 | 300 | ||
Brown, J. Thompson | 90 | 90 | ||
Cabell, Wm. C. | 68 | 68 | ||
Cameron, George | 300 | 300 | ||
Carey, Isaac (2) | 580 | 580 | ||
Cox, Kate Cabell | 91 | 91 | ||
Folkes, William C. (4) | 1,800 | 1,800 | ||
Garrett, Elizabeth B. | 284 | 284 | ||
Green, B. W., (2) | 1,200 | 1,200 | ||
Herndon, Wm. A. (2) | 1,088 | 1,088 | ||
Homes, William E. | 60 | 60 | ||
Humphrey | ||||
Merrick (Sampson) | 100 | 100 | ||
Miller, Samuel (3) | 750 | 750 | ||
Ryan, Thomas F. (10) | 3,000 | 3,000 | ||
Skinner, James H. (10) | 2,500 | 2,500 | ||
State Teachers | 4,000 | 5,000 | 1,000 | |
Woods, R. H., Jr. (D. A. R.) | 65 | 65 | ||
Harmon, Daniel | 200 | 200 | ||
Law Review | 200 | 200 | ||
McCormick | 160 | 160 | ||
Bryan Prize | 8 | 8 | ||
Blackford Prize | 50 | 50 | ||
Debaters Medal | 50 | 50 | ||
Phelps-Stokes Fellowship | 795 | 795 | ||
Mason Fellowship | 350 | 350 | ||
Total for Providing Scholarships and Prizes |
18,057 | 19,316 | 1,300 | 41 |
J-1 Imprest Cash | ||||
Loans from State Fund | 4,000 | 4,000 | ||
Loans from Harvard Fund | 1,000 | 1,000 | ||
Loans from Lee Fund | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||
Loans from Seven Club | 200 | 200 | ||
Loans from Harrison Club | 200 | 200 | ||
Loans from Sarah E. Wright | 200 | 200 | ||
Loans from Lynchburg Alumni Fund | 200 | 200 | ||
Loans from Kiwanis Club | 100 | 100 | ||
Total for Making Loans to Students |
7,300 | 7,400 | 100 | |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-3 Special Payments | ||||
Barbour- Page Lectures | 500 | 500 | ||
Organists | 200 | 200 | ||
Richard Lorleberg Cellist | 600 | 600 | ||
Manager Ensemble Concerts | 50 | 50 | ||
Wm. H. White Memorial Lectures | 618 | 618 | ||
Total | 1,350 | 1,968 | 618 | |
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-1 General Repairs (Organs) | 250 | 250 | ||
B-5 Transportation (Art Exhibit) | 250 | 350 | 100 | |
B-7 Printing, other than office Supplies: |
Ensemble Concerts | 50 | 50 | ||
Barbour-Page Lectures | 600 | 600 | ||
Total for Providing Lectures and Entertainments |
2,500 | 3,218 | 718 | |
A-Personal Service | ||||
A-1 Salaries | ||||
Manager | 1,800 | 2,100 | 300 | |
Assistant Manager | 720 | 720 | ||
Bakers, Cooks, etc. | 10,000 | 9,800 | 200 | |
A-2 Wages | ||||
Student help | 6,250 | 6,050 | 200 | |
Total | 18,770 | 18,670 | 300 | 400 |
B-Contractual Services | ||||
B-1 General Repairs | 500 | 500 | ||
B-3 Light, Heat, Power & Water | 450 | 450 | ||
B-4 Traveling | 25 | 25 | ||
B-6 Communication | 75 | 75 | ||
B-8 Other Expenses: | ||||
Laundering | 180 | 180 | ||
Room Rent | 180 | 180 | ||
Miscellaneous | 100 | 250 | 150 | |
Total | 1,330 | 1,660 | 330 | |
C-Supplies | ||||
C-1 Food Supplies | 43,000 | 42,000 | 1,000 | |
C-3 Fuel Supplies | 500 | 1,000 | 500 | |
C-4 Office Supplies | 50 | 50 | ||
C-6 Laundering, Cleansing & Disinfecting Supplies |
50 | 400 | 350 | |
C-7 Refrigerating Supplies | 500 | 500 | ||
C-12 Other Supplies: | ||||
Cooking utensils, dishes, etc. | 800 | 500 | 300 | |
Total | 44,900 | 44,450 | 850 | 1,300 |
D-Materials | ||||
D-2 Building Materials | 220 | 220 | ||
Total for Providing Subsistence for Students |
65,000 | 65,000 | 1,700 | 1,700 |
I-1 Deficits | ||||
Expenses of operating the University over the income from all sources and not otherwise set up as deficits heretofore (1921-22) |
10,000 | 10,000 |
On motion the meeting then adjourned.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes April 17, 1923 | ![]() |