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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Page 230


Tuesday April 1st. 1806

This morning early we dispatched Sergt. Pryor, with two
men in a small canoe up quick sand river with orders to proceed
as far as he could and return this evening. we also sent
a party of three hunters over the river to hunt a large bottom
of woodland and prarie above the enterance of Q. sand River;
the ballance of the hunters we sent out in different directions
on this side of the Columbia, and employed those about camp
in makeing a rope of Elk skin.

The information given by the indians to us last night respecting
quick sand river was corrobarated by sundery other indians
who visited us in the course of this day. we were now convinced
that if there information be just; that some considerable
river which flowed into the Columbia on it's South Side below
us which we have not yet seen, as the extensive vally on that
side of the river, lying between the mountanious country of
the Coast, and the western mountains must be watered by
some Stream which we had heretofore supposed was the quicksand
river, but if it be a fact that Quick sand river heads in
Mount Hood it must leave the vally within a fiew miles of it's
enterance, and runs nearly parrilel with the Columbia River
upwards, we indeavered to assertained by what stream the
south portion of the Columbian Vally was watered, but could
obtain no satisfactory information of the nativs on this head.
they inform us that the quick sand river is not naviagable any
distance in consequence of falls and rapids; and that no nation
inhabit it. Sergt. Pryor returned in the evening and reported
that he had assendd. the river six miles; that above the point
which it divides itself into two chanels, it is about 300 yards
wide tho' the chanel is not more than 50 yards, and only 6
feet deep. the other part of the river from 2 to 4 inches
water, the bead of this river is formed entirely of quick sand;
its banks are low and at present overflown, the water is
turbed and current rapid. The following are the courses taken
by Sergt. Pryor.

"S. 10°. W. 1 mile to a point on the Lard. side passing a large
island on Stard side. S. 24° E. 2 M. to the head of the island
near the Lard Shore. S 33°. E 4 M to a Stard. point passing


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several islands on the Lard side and a Creek 50 yards wide on
the Stard. side at 1 1/2 miles. the river from hence upwards
bend to the East. a fall of water heard at no great distance
up this river." Several different tribes of indians inform us
that it heads at Mount Hood which is in view.

we were visited by several canoes of the nativs in the course
of this day; most of whome were decending the river with
their womin and children. they inform us that they reside at
the great rapids and that their relations at that place were much
streightened for the want of food, that they had consumed
their winter store of dryed fish and those of the present season
had not yet arived. I could not lern whether they took the
Sturgion but prosume if they do it is in but small quantities as
they complain much of the scercity of food among them, they
informed us that the nativs above them were in the same situation,
and that they did not expect the salmon to arrive untill
the full of the next moon which happens on the 2nd. of May.
we did not doubt the veracity of those people who seamed to
be on their way with their families and effects in serch of subsistence
which they find it easy to precure in this fertile vally.
This information givs us much uneasiness with respect to our
future means of subsistence, above the falls, on through the
Plains from thence to the Chopunnish there are no Deer
Antilopes or Elk on which we could depend for subsistence;
their horses are very poor most probably at this season, and
if they have no fish their dogs must be in the same situation,
under these circumstances there seams to be a gloomey prospect
for subsistence on any terms; we therefore took it into
serious consideration what measure we were to pursue on this
occasion; it was at once deemed inexpedient to waite the
arival of the salmon as that would detain us so long a portion
of the season that it is probable we should not reach the U
States before the ice would close the Missouri; or at all events
would hazard our horses which we left in charge of the Chopunnish
who informed us that they intended passing the Rocky
Mountains to the Missouri as early as the season would permit
them which is about the first of May. Should these people
leave their situation near Kooskooske before our arival we may


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probably find much dificulty in recovering our horses; without
which there will be but little possibility of repassing the
Mountains; we are therefore determined to lose as little time
as possible in getting to the Chopunnish Village.

At 3 P.M. the hunters who were sent over the river returned
haveing killed 4 Elk and 2 Deer; the Elk were in
good order but the deer extreemly poor. they informed us
that game is very plenty in that quarter. the hunters on this
side of the river also returned but had killed nothing; they
saw a fiew Elk and Deer. there were also much sign of the
black bear seen on the other side of the river. we sent a party
to bring in the flesh of the Elk and Deer that were killed.
they did not return this evening. we purchased a Canoe from
an Indian today for six fathoms of white wampom; he seemed
satisfied with his bargin and departed in another Canoe but
shortly after returned and canseled the bargain; took his
canoe and returned the beeds. this is frequently the case in
their method of trading and is deemed fair by them. The
last evening and this morning were so cloudy that we could
neither obtain any Lunar observations nor equal altitudes.