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My Lyrical Life

Poems Old and New. By Gerald Massey

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Earth like a Lady poor and low
Adores Night's kingly beauty now,
While I, on fire in breast and brow,
Awake to weep for thee, Love!


The distant glories of the night,
The Moon that walks in soft white light,
These cannot win my charmèd sight,
Nor lure a thought from thee, Love.
I'm thinking of the short sweet hour
Our fond hearts felt Love's growth of power,
And summered as in Eden's bower
When I was blest with thee, Love!
There burned no beauty on the trees,
There woke no song of birds or bees,
But Love's cup for us held no lees,
And I was blest with thee, Love.
Then many-coloured fancies spring
From out my heart on splendid wing,
Like Chrysalis from Life's wintering,
Burst bright and summeringly, Love!
And as a Chief of battle lost
Counts, and recounts his stricken host,
Stands tearful Memory making most
Of all that's touched with thee, Love.
Perhaps in Pleasure's brilliant bower
Thy heart may half forget Love's power,
But at this still and starry hour
Does it not turn to me, Love?
O, by all pangs for thy sweet sake,
In my deep love thy heart-thirst slake,
Or, all-too-full, my heart must break:
Break! break! with loving thee, Love!