University of Virginia Library



“Many lands in Scotland are enjoyed cum decimis inclusis et nunquam antea separatis. All our writers agree that such lands are free from the payment of tithes.” —Erskine's Institute.


Air—Maggie Lauder.

I've often wished it were my fate,
Enriched by Fortune's bounty,
To own a little nice Estate
In some delightful county;
Where I, perhaps, with some applause,
Might cultivate the Muses,
And till my lands, and have a clause
Cum decimis inclusis.
Wherever no such clause appears,
You're doomed to much vexation;
The Minister, each twenty years,
Pursues his augmentation.
Like any fiend he grabs your teind,
Unless the Court refuses,


And all are sold who do not hold
Cum decimis inclusis.
That strife to tell, would answer well
This tune of Maggie Lauder,
When half the Bar are waging war
About the extra cha'der.
But Outram's wit that scene has hit,
And all so much amuses,
That I refrain, and turn my strain
To decimis inclusis.
'Twould be a dry and dreary theme,
With nothing ornamental,
To tell you how the Interim scheme
Adopts the Proven rental;
The Common agent in the suit,
Objecting where he chooses,
Is glad when he can well dispute
Your decimis inclusis.
A friend of mine had such a grant,
And did not get it gratis;
But when produced, 'twas found to want
The nunquam separatis.


An Heritor with such a flaw
His whole exemption loses,
And might as well possess, in law,
No decimis inclusis.
Then ere you buy, your titles try,
For fear they're in disorder:
An Old Church feu's the thing for you,
From some Cistercian Order.
Demand a progress stanch and tight,
For nothing that excuses,
And see your nunquam antea's right
As well as your inclusis.
Then free from fear and free from strife,
Your cares and troubles over,
You'll lead a gay and easy life
Among your corn and clover.
The whole Teind Court you'll make your sport,
Which else such awe diffuses,
“Augment away,” you'll blithely say
“I've decimis inclusis.”

See Mr Outram's excellent song on the “Process of Augmentation.”