University of Virginia Library


To his Muse, touching ÆLIUS LAMIUS. Ode XXVI.

It becomes not Lovers of the Muses to be ore-plung'd in Sorrow; praising LAMIAS.

I Muses friend, commit dull sadness, Fear
To th' churlish Winds, through Cretian Seas to bear:
What Merchant toward North-star
Prince o'th' Stormy Realm may scar:
Or what grand King, TYRDATES may affright.
O gentle Muse, whom full clear Founts delight,
To other Champaign-flow'rs come down,
Weave for my LAMIAS a Crown:
Mine honour nought does his advance, alas!
Without thy help, joyn'd Lesbian Harps sweet grace;
Which well becomes thy Sisters, thee
To consecrate eternally.