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The letting of hvmovrs blood in the head-vaine

With a new Moriffco, daunced by seauen Satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogines Tubbe [by Samuel Reynolds]

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EPIG. 22.

[When signeur Sacke & Suger drinke droun'd reeles]

When signeur Sacke & Suger drinke droun'd reeles,
He vowes to heaw the spur's from's fellows heeles
When calling for a quart of Charnico,
Into a louing league they present grow:
Then instantly vpon a cuppe or twaine,
Out Poniards goe, and to the stabbe againe.
Frendes vpon that, they drinke and so imbrace:
Straight bandy Daggers at each others face.
This is the humour of a madd drunke foole,
In Tauerne pots that keepes his Fenceing-schole.