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Fall Term  C[13]   L[14]   P[15]   Winter Term  Spring Term 
Freshman  Trigonometry (100)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (106)  Coor. Geometry and Algebra (107) 
Surveying (521) or  Drawing (522-572) or  Descriptive Geometry (523-573) or 
Drawing (522-572)  Descriptive Geom. (523-573)  Surveying (521) 
Gen. Chemistry (300-350)  Gen. Chemistry (301-351)  Gen. Chemistry (302-352) 
Rhetoric (1)  Composition (2)  Literature (3) 
Field (571) or  Shop (860 or 861)  Shop (860 or 861) or 
Shop (860 or 861)  Field (571) 
Sophomore  Calculus (108)  Calculus (109)  Calculus (110) 
Qual. Analysis (315-365)  Qual. Analysis (316-366)  Elem. Quan. Analysis (317-367) 
Gen. Physics (200-250)  Gen. Physics (201-251)  Gen. Physics (202-252) 
Steam Engines (800)  Power Plants (801)  Machine Design (802) 
Junior  Graphic Statics (524-574)  Elem. Mechanics (526-576)  Structural Drawing (525-575) 
Quan. Analysis (318-368)  Quan. Analysis (319-369)  Quan. Analysis (320-370) 
Organic Chemistry (309-359)  Organic Chemistry (310-360)  Organic Chemistry (311-361) 
Principles of Economics (10)  Principles of Economics (11)  Applications of Economics (12) 
Senior  Costs Accounting (20) 
Physical Chemistry (303-353)  Contracts and Specifications (25)  Engineering Economics (30) 
Applied Chemistry (340)  Physical Chemistry (304-354)  Physical Chemistry (305-355) 
D. C. Systems (910-960)  Applied Chemistry (341)  Applied Chemistry (342) 
Chemical Laboratory (386) or  A. C. Systems (911-961)  Hydraulics (529) 
Technical Analysis (321-371)  Chemical Laboratory (387) or  Hydraulics Tests (680) 
Technical Analysis (322-372)  Chemical Laboratory (388) or 
Technical Analysis (323-373) 

C represents class-room hours per week.


L represents supervised laboratory, field, shop or drawing and computing hours per week.


P represents hours of preparation per week.