University of Virginia Library


Heaven hath its crown of Stars, the Earth
Her glory-robe of flowers—
The Sea its pearls—the grand old Woods
Their songs and greening showers:
The Birds have homes, where leaves and blooms
In beauty wreathe above;
High yearning hearts, their rainbow-dream—
And we, Sweet! we have love.
We walk not with the worldly Great,
Where Love's dear name is sold;
Yet have we wealth we would not give
For all their mines of gold!
We revel not in Corn and Wine,
Yet have we from above
Manna divine, and will not pine,
While we may live and love.
There's sorrow for the toiling poor,
On Misery's bosom nursed:
Rich robes for ragged souls, and Crowns
For branded brows Cain-cursed!


But Cherubim, with clasping wings,
Ever about us be,
And, happiest of God's happy things!
There's love for you and me.
Thy lips, that kiss till death, have turned
Life's water into wine;
The sweet life melting through thy looks
Hath made my life divine.
All Love's dear promise hath been kept,
Since thou to me wert given;
A ladder for my soul to climb,
And summer high in heaven.
I know, dear heart! that in our lot
May mingle tears and sorrow;
But, Love's rich Rainbow's built from tears
To-day, with smiles To-morrow.
The sunshine from our sky may die,
The greenness from Life's tree,
But ever, 'mid the warring storm,
Thy nest shall sheltered be.
I see thee! Ararat of my life,
Smiling the waves above!
Thou hail'st me Victor in the strife,
And beacon'st me with love.
The world may never know, dear heart!
What I have found in thee;
But, though nought to the world, dear heart!
Thou'rt all the world to me.