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Dr. Digg and Old Roger were conversing upon wonders
in nature, and the doctor had given a long account
of discoveries he had made, during his travels in the East,
of intelligence in different kinds of animals — the elephant,
the ichneumon, and Oxford County bear, being
particularly mentioned for their sagacity. With regard
to the last-named description of animals, he relied principally
upon the testimony of his friend Fitzwhistler, who
had given him some wonderful particulars concerning
their habits, Mr. F. having stated to him, during a conversation,
that the Oxford County bear has been known
to be at times devotedly attached to New England rum,
and to make no great scruples about using, now and then,
tobacco in its various forms, which he considered a degree
of intelligence very nearly approximating to the refinement
of human civilization, and surpassing that of all
other animals.


Page 382

Roger admitted the truth in the main of what the
doctor submitted, but said that however much he was disposed
to yield to Fitzwhistler and the doctor in most
matters, in this one particular of superiority he must
differ from them, for there were animals in his own State,
New Hampshire, that excelled them all. The doctor had
not claimed for either class he had named any knowledge
in mathematics; but, from a long residence in the Granite
State, he had found it generally known that among the
serpent family there were frequently found great adders.

The doctor, with that greatness of mind so characteristic
of the individual, immediately tendered his hat to
Roger, who magnanimously placed it again upon the
pundit's head.