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My Lyrical Life

Poems Old and New. By Gerald Massey

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Around me Life's hell of fierce Ardours burns,
When I come home, when I come home;
Over me Heav'n starry-heartedly yearns,
When I come home, when I come home.
For a feast of Gods garnished, the palace of Night
At a thousand star-windows is throbbing with light.
London makes mirth! but I think God hears
The sobs in the dark, and the dropping of tears;
For I feel that He listens down Night's great dome:
When I come home, when I come home;
Home, home, when I come home,
Late in the night when I come home.


I walk under Midnight's triumphal arch,
When I come home, when I come home;
Exulting with life like a Conqueror's march,
When I come home, when I come home.
I pass by the vast-chambered mansions that shine,
Overflowing with splendour like flagons with wine:
I have fought, I have vanquished the dragon of Toil,
And before me my golden Hesperides smile!
And O but Love's Apples make rich the gloam,
When I come home, when I come home!
Home, home, when I come home,
Late in the night when I come home.
O the sweet, merry mouths will up-turn to be kissed,
When I come home, when I come home!
How the younglings yearn from the hungry nest,
When I come home, when I come home!
My weary, worn heart into sweetness is stirred,
And it dances and sings like a singing Bird,
On the branch nighest heaven,—a-top of my life:
As She meets me and greets me, my welcoming Wife!
And her pale cheek is tinted with tenderest bloom,
When I come home, when I come home;
Home, home, when I come home,
Late in the night when I come home.
Clouds furl off the shining face of my life,
When I come home, when I come home,
And leave heaven bare on her bosom, sweet Wife,
When I come home, when I come home.
With her brave smiling Energies,—Faith warm and bright,—
With love glorified and serenely alight,—


With her womanly beauty and queenliest calm,
She steals to my heart in a blessing of balm;
And O but the wine of Love sparkles with foam,
When I come home, when I come home!
Home, home, when I come home,
Late in the night when I come home.