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Epigram. [Princes Armes]

Oft in the Field these Royall Plumes have wav'd
When Englands Foes have bin both bang'd & brav'd:
In memory whereof, wee ever since
Drinke Healthes to'th Cambrian, or Great Britaines Prince.


Epigram. [Popes head]

These Popes heads are no Authors of Debate,
Nor Schismaticks, or Troublers of the State:
Yet theres good Clarret, and Sack Catholike
Will make a Mad man Tame, a Tame man strike.

Epigram. [Pye]

This Pye is dumb, yet oft shee makes folks chatter
Much, to small purpose, quite besides the matter:
But temperate men excuse the harmlesse Pye,
The fault is their's that drinke intemperately.


Epigram. [Peacocke]

Though Argus eyes be in the Peacocks taile,
A man may drinke there till his eye-sight faile:
But if a man a good Decorum keepe,
Hee'l see the clearer, and more soundly sleepe.

Epigram. [Plough]

There's many goes to Plough, and doe not know,
Where Corne (upon the ground, or trees) do grow:
Beware therefore, and looke before thou leape,
And Plough and sow no faster than thou Reape.

Epigram. [Pauls head]

Paul's head an ancient Taverne, in request,
Well Custom'd, loving to each honest guest:
But yet they care not for such Guests at all,
As rob and rifle Peter to pay Paul.


Epigram. [Phenix]

The rare Arabian Bird, expires in fire:
Reviving, shee's both Young, and Dam, and Sire:
Then as the Phenix is by fire refin'd,
So let the Phenix liquor cleare thy mind.