University of Virginia Library



If you want to be well-dressed,
You must have a little vest
Of good-temper next your skin.
If you haven't, you will pout,
Scratch and grumble, stamp and shout,
Throw your toys and books about,
Till the lovely light goes out,
In her sorrowful surprise,
From your pretty mother's eyes.
Thus beginning with a vest
Of good-temper on your chest,
You will have a splendid start;
And your other things will seem
Made of sky and rainbow beam,
Softer than a Fairy's dream
When she nods beside a stream.
Come and be a happy boy
In the coloured clothes of joy!
But the garment you must wear
Every day, and never tear,
Is an overall of love!
This is made of fabric grown
Where the fields are angel-sown,
And is stitched in ways unknown
To the world we call our own.
Put it on, and make me glad
Thus to see you, dearest lad!