University of Virginia Library

How Ihesus is almyȝti

He rose by his awne myȝt, and that verraily,
And shewed so that he was Ihesus almyghti.
He that al this warld made first of riȝt noȝt,
Man dampned agayn with his blode he boȝt.
Thus has he gyuen vs a gode counsail,
And thurgh riȝt venquist the fend in batail.
His lyf has shewed vs a ful redy gate
For to entre if we will in-with heuen-ȝate,
For we sul traist on him in al our nede:
He shewed vs the myȝt of God in his manhede.
Power of God and man was mellid in his dedis,
And that to stablenes of our treuth gretly spedis.
Riȝt as a sharp swerd of the fire al glowand
The egge kerues, if he smyte, the hete is brenand,
So godhede and manhede in o person
Shewed thair kyndnes to mannes reson.
We rede when he was called til a weddyng,
Whan thaim failed wyne, sone at his bydding,
Thai filled pottes of clene water in the stede of wyne,


And thai wer turned into wyne, and that gode and fyne.
When he bad fette water, he shewed his manhed,
And when he turned hit to wyne, he shewed his godhed,
For he myȝt haue made wyne withouten water broȝt,
Riȝt as he made, when he wald, al the warld a noȝt.
Also with fyue loues and only fisches two
He fedde, as we rede, fyue thousand and mo;
When thai hade eten ynogh, all that ther were,
Twelf lepes of relef ful away thei bere.
His manhed to thaim all delt bret and fische,
Bot his godhed ther multiplied al this.
Ȝit we rede that Lazar hade [lain] four dayes in his graue,
When Ihesu Crist fro ded to lyue wald him vp haue;
First he grette and sithen he cryed to Lazar,
That shewed that he was verray man thar.
When Lazar rose fro the ded and [did] mannes dede,
Then was shewed that in Crist was verray godhede.