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Horace in Homespun by Hugh Haliburton [i.e. J. L. Robertson]

A New Edition with Illustrations by A. S. Boyd

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Hughie's Dedication.
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Hughie's Dedication.

“Vester, Camenæ, vester in arduos
Tollor Sabinos.”
Car. iii. 4.

Whether alang the tawny bent
Diffused in simmer time,
Or like a mountain torrent pent
In city stane an' lime,—
While fickle seasons tak' the gate
Owre passive wud an' lea,
My lease o' life I dedicate,
Sweet Poesy, to thee.
Noo weirdless Winter wi' his waste
Shall trouble me nae mair,
Nor joys that to destruction haste
Oppress my soul wi' care.


For wild amang the roarin' floods,
Yet sweet, I hear thee sing,
And in the cleavin' o' the cluds
I see thy soarin' wing.
Sweet Poesy! with thee to range
Owre field and forest free,
An' fearless aye o' earthly change,
Were happiness to me!
An' when at last wi' kindly gloom
The gloamin' comes, to ken
That death is ither than a doom
Unto the sons o' men!