University of Virginia Library


Ye, that sumtym hes bene weill stakit,
Thocht of your geir sum be inlaikit,
And yourself into troubill brocht;
Of this fals warld tak never thocht.
To sum thair is bot littill left;
Bot, with grit wrang, ar planelie reft
With devillis lyms, that never docht.
Of this fals warld yit tak na thocht.
Of houshold grayth sum richt skant war,
With utheris geir now planeist ar,
Better nor ever thair faderis bocht:
Of this fals warld yit tak na thocht.


To reif thair neichtbour few now rakis
For feir of God, bot daylie takis
Fra thame that never aucht thame nocht:
Of this fals warld yit tak na thocht.
Sum to thair freindis war sa faythles,
That, under colour of kyndnes,
Thame to destroy did all thay mocht:
Of this fals warld yit tak na thocht.
Sum, that richt weill planeist hes beine,
Thair landis now ar wastit cleine,
With comoun theiffis, that leivis nocht:
Of this fals warld yit tak na thocht.
Distroyit is the pollicie
For the maist pairt of this countrie;
To wrak the rest seir wayis ar socht:
Of this fals warld yit tak na thocht.
I hoip the tyme sall cum schortlie
Sall gar all wickit cumpanie
Repent the wrang that thay have wrocht;
For punissing thay sall tak thocht.