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Of an vnsele y may ȝou telle,
& ȝe wil a stounde duelle:
As he cam fram a turnament
Þat was biside Bonevent,
In þe bodi wounded he was:
Þat sore him greued no wonder it nas.
Þan bithouȝt him þe douk Otoun,
Þat vnwrast was, & feloun,
Þat he wald ben awreke þat day
Of Gij of Warwike, ȝif he may;
For he him wounded in a turnament,
As ichaue herd telle verrament;
Þer-fore Gij him was swiþe loþ,
& wel depe he swore his oþ
Þat he of him awreke wald be
Er þan he wende out of þat cuntre.