Englands Helicon | ||
Another of the same Authour.
[Fields were ouer-spread with flowers]
Fields were ouer-spread with flowers,
Fairest choise of Floraes treasure:
Sheepheards there had shadie Bowers,
Where they oft reposd with pleasure.
Meadowes flourish'd fresh and gay,
where the wanton Heards did play.
Fairest choise of Floraes treasure:
Sheepheards there had shadie Bowers,
Where they oft reposd with pleasure.
where the wanton Heards did play.
Springs more cleare then Christall streames,
Seated were the Groues among:
Thus nor Titans scorching beames,
Nor earths drouth could Sheepheards wrong.
Faire Pomonaes fruitfull pride:
did the budding braunches hide.
Seated were the Groues among:
Thus nor Titans scorching beames,
Nor earths drouth could Sheepheards wrong.
Faire Pomonaes fruitfull pride:
did the budding braunches hide.
Flocks of sheepe fed on the Plaines,
Harmelesse sheepe that roamd at large:
Heere and there sate pensiue Swaines,
Wayting on their wandring charge.
Pensiue while their Lasses smil'd:
Lasses which had them beguil'd.
Harmelesse sheepe that roamd at large:
Heere and there sate pensiue Swaines,
Wayting on their wandring charge.
Pensiue while their Lasses smil'd:
Lasses which had them beguil'd.
Hills with trees were richly dight,
Vallies stor'd with Vestaes wealth:
Both did harbour sweet delight,
Nought was there to hinder health.
Thus did heauen grace the soyle:
Not deform'd with work-mens toile.
Vallies stor'd with Vestaes wealth:
Both did harbour sweet delight,
Nought was there to hinder health.
Thus did heauen grace the soyle:
Not deform'd with work-mens toile.
Purest plot of earthly mold,
Might that Land be iustly named:
Art by Nature was controld,
Art which no such pleasures framed.
Fayrer place was neuer seene:
Fittest place for Beauties Queene.
Might that Land be iustly named:
Art by Nature was controld,
Art which no such pleasures framed.
Fayrer place was neuer seene:
Fittest place for Beauties Queene.
I. M.
Englands Helicon | ||