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The Sheepheards Daffadill.

The Sheepheards Daffadill.

Gorbo , as thou cam'st this way
By yonder little hill,
Or as thou through the fields didst stray,
Saw'st thou my Daffadill?
Shee's in a frock of Lincolne greene,
The colour Maydes delight,
And neuer hath her Beauty seene
But through a vayle of white.
Then Roses richer to behold,
That dresse vp Louers Bowers,
The Pansie and the Marigold
Are Phœbus Paramoures.
Thou well describ'st the Daffadill,
It is not full an hower
Since by the Spring neere yonder hill
I saw that louely flower.
Yet with my flower thou didst not meete,
Nor newes of her doest bring,

Yet is my Daffadill more sweete
Then that by yonder Spring.
I saw a Sheepheard that doth keepe
In yonder field of Lillies,
Was making (as he fed his sheepe)
A vvreath of Daffadillies.
Yet Gorbo: thou delud'st me still,
My flower thou didst not see.
For know; my pretty Daffadill
Is worne of none but mee.
To shew it selfe but neere her seate
No Lilly is so bold,
Except to shade her from the heate,
Or keepe her from the cold.
Through yonder vale as I did passe
Descending from the hill,
I met a smerking Bonny-lasse,
They call her Daffadill.
Whose presence as a-long she went
The pretty flowers did greete,
As though their heads they downe-ward bent,
With homage to her feete.
And all the Sheepheards that were nie,
From top of euery hill;
Vnto the Vallies loud did crie,
There goes sweet Daffadill.
I gentle Sheepheard now with ioy
Thou all my flock doest fill:
Come goe with me thou Sheepheards boy,
Let vs to Daffadill.
Michaell Drayton.