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[illeg.] diligenter consideres quid per os quid per nares ceterosque meatus corporis tui egreditur: vilius stet qui [illeg.] quoth videres.

He sayeth man, wylt thou inwardly se
And beholde, what thynge cōmeth from the
Throughe nose and mouth, contynually
And throughe other places of thy body
A fouler dunghyll, sawe thou neuer none
Than is a man, made in flesshe and in bone
For in all that tyme, that a man here lyueth
His owne kynde, no good fruyte gyueth
Whyther that he lyue shorte tyme, other longe
But thynges that stynketh, wonder stronge
And foule fylthed, and nothynge elles
As Innocent the great clarcke, in a boke telles.