University of Virginia Library


[Goe now my thoughts, where one day you were going]

Goe now my thoughts, where one day you were going,
When neither fortune, nor my loue did lower:
Now shall you see that changed day and hower,
Your ioies decaied, and vncouth sorrowes growing?
And in the glasse, where I was oft bestowing
Mine eies, and in that sweete and pleasant flower,


A sluggish drone vnwoorthely deuower
That honie, which for me sometimes was flowing.
And you shall see to whom I did surrender
My subiect life, that causelesse did despise it:
And though this ill no remedy can borrow,
Yet tell her, that my minde did once ingender
A feare of that, vvhich after to mine eyes yet
She makes more plaine, to end my life in sorrow.