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Though very much, and long, I have endur'd,
And, desp'rate Griefs, must desp'ratly be cur'd;
I, try no extaordinary Courses,
Till strong necessity thereto inforces:
For, though sometimes, I feel so great a smart,
That, I am therewith pinched at the heart,
I, still finde ease, within a little space,
By Patience, well prepared with Herb-grace.
My Genius, lately mov'd me to this Charm,
(Which, if it doth no good, can do no harm)
And, therefore, I thus prove it: GOD, direct
And, bless it, with a prosperous effect:
For, if what over-hangs us, at this time,
Nor Prayers, Narrative, nor Prose, nor Rime,
Nor Reason, can incline this Generation
In sixteen years, to Justice, or Compassion,
I, shall believe my days of private mourning,
Must, till another Publick-overturning
Prolonged be; or, else, till I shall have
A Cure for all my Suffrings, in the Grave.
However, (as I do) I will till then
To keep my Claims on foot, employ my Pen
Sometimes in private, to make Proof of those
Who to the World-ward, have made holy shows
That either by their ayd, I may obtain,
What, I have long petition'd for in vain;
Or, that to men unborn, I may declare
How merciless, their Predecessors, were;
How shamelesly unjust; how may ways
GOD proved them; how many several days,
Weeks, months and years, he waited, to make tryal,
How long, they would defer that self-denial
Which they had voted; and that, times to come,
May glorifie GOD, in the Final Doom;
Which, to the World, will openly be known
In greater Judgments, or, in mercy shown,
When our three Factions, parallel to them,
Which were the Ruine, of Jerusalem
Have acted out, their Parts; and left the Stage,
To those, who shall begin another Age.
GOD, is the same, in all his Attributes
(Whatere to him, our Vanity imputes)
And, just now, by the Eies of Contemplation,
I see a mixed-Cup in preparation,
Wherein, such Drugs are blended, sharp & sweet,
As, for our present Maladies are meet;
By which, I gess, what things may come to pass,
As Good, or Evil Counsels we embrace;
And, I will tell my Thoughts, though being told,
I fear, they will be slighted as of old:
For, I confess, that which my Soul foresees,
She sees like him, who saw, men walk like trees.
The ruine of the BEAST, is now at hand,
Which doth as yet, the HOLY-LAMB withstand;
And, he of late, hath so affrighted been,
Lest, his approaching Downfal must begin
Among these Nations, that, with all his might
He seeketh means his Vassals to unite


Who must assist him; and in secret wise,
He hath conveyed hither, in disguize,
Those Locusts, which ascended with a smoke,
Whereby, they unperceiv'd, Disguizes took
Of sev'ral Forms, resembling many Creatures
Of diff'ring Shapes, and of as diffring Natures,
To hide their Fraud; These, lately pow'r have had
By Sorceries, to make the people mad,
And, by fomenting Discords, to destroy
The means, whereby, that peace they might enjoy
Which would preserve them, & prepare a path
To that great work, which God determin'd hath.
For, though the sons of Belial, do condemn
This Power, which God hath now set over them,
Because, in outward shew, no such effect
Is like to spring, from thence, as they expect;
Yet, shall the Power (against which many prate,
And raile, and write, maliciously of late)
Henceforth, from Violence, protected stand,
And be destroyed by no mortal hand
Except their own; and, till they shall in heart
From just and pious Principles depart:
But, either quite destroy, or foil all those,
Who, them, in their Authority oppose.
Yea, though, those Interruptions they have had,
Whereby, they are not, now, so able made
As they may be, when time, adds thereunto
Compleatness, for the work they have to do:
They are, all that's remaining at this season,
Conducible thereto, in humane Reason;
And, what to disadvantage them, doth seem,
May give them, at the last, the more esteem.
The more contemptible, they now are thought,
The more dishonour will on them be brought
Whom they subdue. If, they be poor, and weak,
The louder, to his glory, will that speak
Which, he, by them effects, who foils proud Kings
And mighty Foes, by despicable things.
This, is the power, whereto we should adhere;
And, though to many men, it doth appear
Both by deficiency of Members lame,
And, some, still to retain, who do it shame)
'Tis GOD's Reserve, to save us from the Curse
Which we deserve: and we should make a worse
(As we are qualifide) if, he, now should
Permit things to be done, as many would,
Who know not, what some underhand intend,
That make fair shews, their Freedoms to befriend.
GOD, hath like Daniel in the Lyons Den
Them, from the beastly rage, of brutish men
Preserved hitherto, (ee'n, when to me
It seem'd impossible, they safe could be)
And, this not for their righteousness was done;
But, meerly for his mercy sake alone,
That, those few, who their trust in him repose,
Be not insulted over by their Foes.
For, in them now, the safety doth consist
Of ev'ry justly-claimed interest,
And, of each person, who seeks not to do
Those things, that are destructive thereunto;
Or, to himself, by breaking of that peace
Which tendeth to our gen'ral happiness.
If to make up this Representative
There do remain but forty men alive
Of all those persons, which all England thorow
Should represent each City, Shire and Burrough,
If they be persons principled aright,
Who in the fear of GOD themselves unite,
They shall perform the work that's to be done,
As if of their full number wanted none:
Nay, better, though among them there be some
Who to that work destructive would become.
That number, them, doth lawful constitute
By Custome, and for Action doth repute
Sufficient (whilst together they shall stay)
Though all the rest absent themselves away,
And to exclude all, who offensive are,
Though, one half of their hands and eyes they were.
They are essentially, as fully free
To all Intentions, as they need to be,
Or can be now made, without extirpation
Of that, which is for common preservation,
Made lawful, by a Law confirming more
True, Soveraignty, then any heretofore;
Ev'n by a sentence, for this Commonweal.
Decreed by him, from whom there's no appeal:
And all the Arguments which I have yet,
Heard or perused, to invalid it,
Are so infirm, so frivolous and vain,
That, whilst it here, a Being shall retain,
I'll add thereto, my help, to make them strong,
Whether to me, they shall do right or wrong.
Which help, though chiefly it, consists in words,
Will sometimes be as useful as their swords,
Unless despis'd: And, if they can believe
What will be said, such help, this Charm will give
Though it begins with terors. Mark it well:
For, 'tis a helpful and a lawful SPELL.
The Drums are beaten up. The Trumpet sounds
Alarums, threatning future Deaths or Wounds.
That Grand Conspiracy, which was foretold
And typifi'd, by Isr'els foes, of old,
Is forming up a Body, to prevent
What may arise out of this Parliament;


Ashur, and Ammon, Amaleck, and Tyre,
Yea, Earth and Hell, against them, now conspire.
Their Foes, from all parts, do begin to clustre,
Gog, Magog, and the Man of Sin do mustre
Their Forces up. In their own bosome, lies
An Ambush too, of dangerous enemies;
And, nothing gives me so much cause of fear,
As, that, which may lye hid in secret, there.
Yet that fear, is surmounted far by Hope,
Which, hath unto despairing set a stop:
For, they are that small Remnant, whence may spring
Those Armies, of our everlasting King,
Which will subdue the world, and set his Throne
Upon the ruines of great Babylon,
IF, they desert not, what they have profest,
And, in his favour, lose their interest:
That IF, remembring (left before the I,
We set the F, and cry aloud, Oh FI)
Let them be mindful, in humiliation,
That this year, is their last year of Probation;
And of all willful failings, now take heed,
Lest worse things, then befel them, do succeed.
Let them take courage also, and not fear
What, they shall either suffer, see, or hear:
For, he that saves by few; the wise, befools,
Defeats the strong, and works with any tooles
Resideth yet among them; and will never
Forsake them, whilst they do their best endeavor.
That, so it may be done, let them still minde,
Both what's before them, and what lies behinde.
Let them remember, He that stands may fall,
That, ev'ry promise is conditional;
And, that, GOD's promises, will be to them
Perform'd, as they to others, and to Him
Perform their promises: for, though this wrong
He pardons oft-times, and forbeareth long,
There is a set time, which now draweth near,
In which, he will, no longer, so forbear.
Let no man slight these Cautions, though by him,
Pronounced, who may despicable seem:
For, in these days, it often comes to pass
That, GOD, speaks, (as to Balaam by his Asse)
To wisest men, by those whom Fools they deem;
To Kings, by persons that ignoble seem;
And, if their Wills, as wilfully as he
They shall pursue, like his, their End shall be.
This Power now ruling, raigns by God's Commission;
Yet, not without a fore-premis'd condition:
For, by unrighteousness, it shall not stand,
Though it were as the Signet on his hand.
If, they themselves with outward washings, flatter,
And shall not cleanse the inside of the platter;
If, those defects of Justice and Compassion
Which lately brought Confusions on this Nation,
Be not forthwith repair'd in some degree,
(As means by GOD's grace, will vouchsafed be.)
And, if a Model truly Genuine,
This August sixteen hundred fiftynine,
Be not conceiv'd, and fully born, before
The time, exceeds the end of nine moneths more,
With all the essential parts, of such a thing,
As may receive a timely perfecting,
(To qualifie that Rage, which may increase
The Breaches made into the Common-peace)
Then, all that this Power, thenceforth can endeavour,
Will either be a nullity for ever;
Or else, a furth'rance, to that horrid pother
Which will make facile entrance for another
Oppressing hand, that, will but Justice do
So far, as Vengeance doth amount unto.
Hear this with patience; altho spoke by me:
Consider well, if thus it may not be,
All ye, whom it concerns: For Israels Rock,
(Who hates requiting mercies with a mock)
Hath said, that he must rule with Righteousness
Who doth ov'r men, a ruling power possess;
And, we have felt, that Piety is vain,
Unless therewith morality, doth raign.
But, all may yet be well; unless, the Beast
With many heads, mars their own interest
By ignorance, or wilful disobeying;
Or else, our Trustees (by our trust betraying)
Fail in performing, at their promis'd day,
That, which is hop'd for, and for which we pray.
Most awful GOD! who when this world was made,
Gav'st that a Being, which no Being had:
Whose Wisdom, from a Chaos made of nought,
All things into a perfect order brought;
And, by thy Word, eternally Divine,
Didst out of Darkness, cause the Light to shine;
Enable those, who have the present Power,
To act, what will be for their Weal and our.
And now, Oh all ye people of this Land,
At their need, aide them, with a liberal hand
And loyal heart, to act for your avail:
Let not the fault be yours, if they shall fail:
Lay all your Animosities aside,
For, though to them dishonour may betide,
The Consequence thereof, will make you sorry:
Their shame, will be the ruine of your glory.
If, otherwise it happen, what success
May follow, 'twill be needless to express,
And, to prevent it, I, thus often, here,
Adde this word IF, (which else less needful were)


For, great will be our sorrows, when they shall
Unmindful be of that conditional.
We many ways lye open to perdition;
And, GOD, hath Magazeens of Ammunition
Enough, to punish, all Offenders, either
Singly; in parties; or else, all together
As he shall please: yet, he vouchsafes a show,
Of such things, as he probably may do;
That, we, our wills, and practises may bend
To act with Him, in what he doth intend.
Those Judgments, may not all at once ensue,
Which may be fear'd, and will be justly due;
For, GOD's Long-suffering, shall perhaps once more
Justice with Mercy mix, as heretofore;
And, prove us, by a means, that some abhor,
And, other some, have madly longed for.
We have a Grand-Foe, whom he laid aside,
And, will reserve, till he hath foolifi'd
Their Expectations, who forgetful grow
Of what they suffer'd, but a while ago:
And, as he shew'd how mischievous a thing,
The Jews desired, when they crav'd a King,
By granting of it: (that, they might perceive
By feeling, what they would not else believe)
So, by the like Experiment, perchance,
He'll once more, cure this Nations ignorance:
Because, the gracious sentence by him given
On their behalfs, within the Court of Heaven,
Hath been by them despised, and contemn'd,
By siding with the party, there condemn'd.
Good GOD! how dare such Traytors to pretend
Their Countries Laws, and freedoms to befriend?
What Humane Law, or Power, will such as they
With Conscience, or due Loyalty obey,
Who disobey Thine? Justifie thy Foes?
Thy awful sentence, wilfully oppose?
And, either will have him, to fill the Throne,
VVhom Thou hast thence ejected, or else none?
This Provocation, may thy Justice move
By some enlargement of his Chain) to prove
How fit, for what he claims to be his own,
That Out-cast, is by thy Corrections grown.
At that time, (if, it possible shall be
That such a time, may be vouchsaf'd by thee)
If, he, unfeignedly himself resigne
To that Course, which thy Providence Divine
May dictate, to compleat an Instrument
For settling such an equal Government
As by thy Laws, and by the Laws of Nature,
Belong'd of old unto the humane-Creature,
And, will conduce unto the Common-good,
VVithout expence of Treasure, or of Blood;
A Blessing might succeed unto these Nations,
Beyond our present hopes and expectations:
And, they, who now are plotting to make voyd
Thy purposes; would see their own destroy'd.
Then, should the glorioust work be brought to pass,
That ever for mans good, designed was;
And, way made, for that Kingdome, which their pride
Doth, as a meer Phanatick Dream deride;
And which, some Saints, too, (who in faith attend
The coming of it) much misapprehend,
By fanc'ing things, which greatly inconsist
VVith such a Kingdom, as is that of CHRIST.
VVhose final Conquests, not a Carnal-Sword
Must make; but, that two-edged one, the Word;
Ev'n that victorious Instrument, the Truth,
VVhich doth proceed out of his sacred-mouth.
And, they, whom he doth arm against his Foes
VVith tother Sword, are but in place of those
By whom the trees & stones, were feld & squar'd,
VVhen matter for the Temple was prepar'd:
Partly by servants of the King of Tyre,
(Who wrought not for God's honor, but for hire)
Partly by Solomons; who did intend
Their labours, to a far more noble end.
If, he premised, shall have an intent
This way to act; and such a settlement
Can bring to pass, as may preparatory
Unto the Kingdom of Gods Grace and Glory
Appear to be; he, thereby should attain
More honour, then to repossess again
The Kingdoms lost, and to have thereunto
Annexed, three times thrice, as many moe:
For, then, that Roman-Monarchy, whose date
From her full-growth, with His, who sprang from that
Seems numb'red, to the set time of their falls,
In that sum, which her proper numerals
Make up (when simply joyn'd in numeration
According to their worth in valuation,
Reck'ning from that year in which CHRIST was slain,
And in which, Rome did to her height attain)
Should fall by his ayde; and win him a share
In that, which for thy Saints, thou dost prepare;
And I do wish he may (by shunning that
VVhich hazards it, before it be too late)
Be partner in that honour, if it be
No bar, to what determin'd is by Thee.
He, might, then, possibly survive to view
How far forth my Conjecture will prove true,


Who (finding that the length of Satans chain,
And of the time in which that BEAST must raign,
Are, as they should ensue successively,
Summ'd, in M. D. C. L. X. V. and I,
Which takes in every Roman numeral)
Do gess the time, when Babylon shall fall;
Will yet be forty years, or thereabout.
In which account, although I may be out,
Of this I'm certain; that it shall not stand
Beyond thy time, and that thy time's at hand.
But, should God (unto whom alone 'tis known,
What special mercy, shall to him be shown)
Vouchsafe to prove him, and he then contemn
That Course, which Justice will propose to him,
As probably he will, and covet that,
Which was by others, lately aimed at.
If, he strive, to establish such a Throne
As his forefathers lately sat upon;
He, may prolong the Judgements, and the wrath
Which, on these Isles, God's Angel poured hath.
He, may be vexed, and inrag'd like them
Who, when they should repent, do but blaspheme;
As many now do, and as 'twas foretold
That (when GOD'S wrath, was poured out) they would.
He, may defer the mercies, which appear
To many of the Saints, approaching neer:
But, nothing better can be hoped from
That Kingdom, which his Party prays may come,
Or from himself; till we more cause have got
To trust him, then his falshood to the SCOT
May promise; or, their Tutorings, from whom
He, fraighted, with ill Principles may come.
Almighty God (should he be pleas'd to prove him)
Can suddenly destroy him, or remove him
If he, when re-admitted, tyranniz'd,
Or, from what he profest, apostatiz'd:
He, that can make the worst thing serve his ends,
As well as that, which to his pleasure bends,
May make what proofs he will: But, we who know
No more, then what time, and events do show,
Must Act as Reason dictates: Else, we shall
Or may be ruin'd, by what will befall.
If we well weigh what hazards they will make
Who, to keep tame that Lyon undertake,
Wch from the dam hath liv'd wild in the wood,
And been a long time fed with humane-bloud,
And also, what a charge, and what a pain
It is to keep him always in a chain.
If, we heed well, what Plagues unsufferable,
It threatens, hither to admit the Rabble
Of Malecontents, which that ejected King,
Would with him, by his re-admission bring;
How much, those will deceive their expectation,
Who are most zealous of his restauration;
And, that, our charge, our dangers & our trouble,
They will in likelihood, much more then double,
Rather then make our miseries the less,
Or, bring with them, a settlement of Peace;
These, & such things consider'd, we, are more
Then mad-men, if we him again restore;
Unless, GOD sends him for a punishment,
Or makes him such a real penitent
As was Manasses; whereof, we yet have
No signs, nor so much faith as to believe
So great a Miracle, when there is nought
To us appearing, why it should be wrought.
I, write not thus (and, GOD, so prosper me,
As this is truth) that, he debar'd should be
From ought, which for his weal might be enjoy'd;
But, that, my Countries weal be not destroy'd.
I am no Foe to him, because that so
He is to me; but, as my Countries foe,
Or, one, who seeks unjustly to become
Possest of that, which GOD debars him from;
And, I believe, (whatere he, may suppose,)
Scarce one man in a hundred, among those
VVho, now his cause, or him, seems to befriend,
Doth it, for any conscionable end,
Or love to him, so much, as out of hate
To those, who now possess the Chair of State,
Through hate, or Envy; or, in hope that they
Shall by a change, be profited some way:
And that the most part, mov'd through levity
Neither considring, what they do, or why
They so would have it, only, ebb and flow
According as the present winde doth blow:
For, most of these are but deluded Fools;
Men, from malignant Families, or Schools
New come; or, else, of desperate Estates,
Or, of crackt Credits, or of crackt brain'd-pates;
(Or, such as live by vanity and sin)
Who, most desirous are to bring him in.
And, I believe, that all men, whom he draws
To joyn with him, shall perish in his Cause.