University of Virginia Library



This rose of the garden is given to me,
And to double its value, 'twas given by thee;
Its lovely bright tints to my eyesight is borne,
Like the kiss of a fairy or blush of the morn.
How sweet is the fragrance that is wafted to me,
As the scent of the breeze from the isles of the sea.
It tells of the care of that Father above,
Who sends us the fragrance to show us His love.
Too soon must this scent-laden flower decay,
Its bright leaves will wither, its bloom die away;
But in mem'ry 'twill linger, the joy that it bore
Will live with me still tho' the flower's no more.
Fond hopes, too, must perish, its green leaves must die,
And sweet expectations all withered must lie;


But He who has loved us and given His Son,
Sets the bow of His promise, and bids us hope on.
May our friendship ne'er perish, its strength ne'er decay,
But may it grow stronger and stronger each day,
And may the All-Father His love o'er us bend,
Till life is completed and heaven the end.