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Bucaniers of America:

containing the dangerous voyage and bold attempts of Captain Bartholomew Sharp, and others; performed upon the coasts of the South Sea, for the space of two years, &c. from the original journal of the said voyage

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They depart from the Gulf of Nicoya, unto
Golfo Dulce, where they careen their Vessel.
An account of their sailings along the
Coast. Also a description of
Golfo Dulce.
The Spaniards force the Indians of Darien unto
a Peace, by a stratagem contrived in the name
of the

WEdnesday, June the first, 1681. This day we had

They leave the
very fair weather, and yet withal but little wind.
Hereupon the Tide, or Current, drove us to the Westward
of Cabo Blanco. Off of this Cape, and at the distance of
two miles within the Sea, is situate a naked and nothing
but barren Key. At E. by N. and at four leagues distance,
Cape Blanco gave us this appearance.



Lat. 9 D. 30 N.

The Coast here along runneth N. W half W. and groweth
lower and lower towards Cape Guyones. This Cape
now mentioned, at seven leagues distance, and at N. W. by
N. appeared thus unto us.


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Cabo de Guyones.

Lat. 10 D. 00 N.

At first sight the Cape appeared very like unto two Islands.
The latter part of this day was cloudy, which hindred
much our prospect.

June the 2d. This morning we saw land, which appeapeared
like several Keys to us at N. W. by N. and at seven
leagues distance. It was the land of Puerto de Velas, and
appeared thus.


Puerto de VELAS.

They resolve to
careen, and
then cruize.
This evening our Captain called us together, and asked
our opinions concerning the course we ought to steer. Having
discussed the points by him proposed amongst us, we
all resolved to bear up for Golfo Dulce, and there to careen
our Vessels. This being done, we concluded to go from
thence unto the Cape, and cruize thereabouts under the Equinoctial.
We observed this day that our Bark taken at
the Gulf of Nicoya, sailed much better than our ship.

Friday, June the 3d. The night before this day was very
fair, and we had a fresh wind, our course being S. E.
This morning we saw no land. In the evening the wind
came about at S. S. W. and S. W. by S.


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June the 4th. This day we stood E. and E. by N. the
wind being W. and W. by N. In the evening we stood N.
E. and descryed land at the distance of twenty four leagues,
more or less, from Cabo Blanco.

Sunday, June the 5th. Last night we lay by for all, or
the greatest part thereof. This morning we saw the Island
of Cano above described, which bore E. S. E. from us. We
saw likewise multitudes of fish, but they would not bite.
Also Water-snakes of divers colours.

June the 6th. All the night past we had rain, and with
it but little wind. Yea, scarce enough to carry us clear
off from the Island afore mentioned. Towards morning
we had a fresh wind at N. N. W. So then we stood out S.
until morning, and this being come, we stood N. E. by E.
The land runneth from Punta Mala to Golfo Dulce, and
Punta Borrica, E. S. E. half S. At nine leagues distance we
laid the Island of Cano. And Punta Borrica at the same
distance, or thereabouts, looketh thus.


Punta Borrica.

Lat. 8 D. 00 N.

The West-end of Golfo Dulce is very high land, and a
high rock lye close off it. Besides which, two other
rocks lyeth farther out; the outermost of which is a mile
distant from the shoar. The East-side is also high, but
breaketh into small points and bays, growing lower and
lower to Punta Borrica. We came within the mouth of
the Gulf about the space of a mile. Then we anchored in

They anchor.
eight fathom and a half water. The mouth of the Gulf is
almost three leagues over.

The next day, being June the 7th, we weighed anchor again


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at young flood, and got about two leagues higher. At
evening we came again to an anchor in the depth of seven
Much rain.
fathom and a half water. It rained this day until eight of
the clock, more like the pouring down of water from the
clouds, than the usual falling of drops.

Wednesday, June the 8th, at day break we weighed anchor
again, with a fresh Sea-breeze. The higher up we
went, the deeper we found the Gulf, and at last no ground
even with thirty fathom of line. This day we sent our
Canoa away to seek water and a good place to lay our ship

They take three
in. Having landed, they found one Indian and two boys,
all which they made prisoners and brought aboard. Here
we used them very kindly, giving them victuals and cloaths,
for they had no other than the bark of a tree to cover
their nakedness withal. Being examined, they informed
us that a Spanish Priest had been amongst them, and had
made Peace with their Nation, ordering them strictly not
to come near any ship nor vessel that had red Colours;
forasmuch as that they were English-men, and would certainly
kill them. Being asked where now the Priest
was? they answered he was gone to a great Spanish Town,
which was distant from thence four sleeps up in the Country.
After this, the Indian left the two boys which were
his children, with us, and went to fetch more Indians unto
us, from a Plantane-walk or grove, situate by a river a
league off, or thereabouts. We came to an anchor in a
Bay close by one of the Indian Keys, where two fresh Rivers
were within a stones throw of each other, in twenty
seven fathom and a half water, and at a cables length from
the mark of low water. The Indians whom our prisoner
went to seek, came to us several times, selling unto us Honey,
Plantanes, and other necessaries that we usually bought
of them, or truckt for with other things. We also made
use of their bark-logs in tallowing our ship, in which concern
they did us good service. Their Darts are headed
with iron as sharp as any razor.


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Here one of the prisoners which we took at the Gulf of

A peace forced
upon the
of Darien.
Nicoya, informed us, by what means, or rather stratàgem
of War the Spaniards had forced a peace upon the Indians
of the Province of Darien, since our departure from thence.
The manner was as followeth. A certain Frenchman who
ran from us at the Island of Taboga unto the Spaniards, was
sent by them in a ship to the Rivers mouth, which disembogueth
from that Province into the South-Sea. Being arrived
there, he went ashoar by himself in a Canoa, and
told the Indians, that the English who had passed that way,
were come back from their adventures in the South-Sea.
Withal, he asked them, if they would not be so kind and
friendly unto the English men, as to come aboard and conduct
them on shoar? The poor deceived Indians were very
joyful to understand this good news; and thus forty of
the chiefest men amongst them went on board the Spanish
vessel, and were immediately carryed prisoners at War to
Panama. Here they were forced to conclude a peace, though
upon terms very disadvantageous unto them, before they
could obtain their liberty.

These poor and miserable Indians of Golfo dulce, would

They careen
their vessel.
come every day into our company, and eat and drink very
familiarly with us all the time we were there. We laid
our ship on ground, but the water did not ebb low enough
to see her keel. Mean while we were careening our vessel,
we built a house upon the shoar, both to lodge and
eat in; and every day we caught plenty of good fish. On
Sunday June the 12th, the work of Careening our ship go-
A strange accident.

ing on in due order, we came to cleause our hold, and here
on a suddain, both my self and several others were strucken
totally blind with the filth and nastiness of the said place.
Yet soon after we recovered our sight again, without any
other help than the benefit of the fresh and open air,
which dissipated those malignant vapours that oppressed
our eyes. On June the 14th, we had a great and fierce
A great danger.

Tornado, with which our Cable broke, and had it not
then hapned to be high water at that instant, we had been


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lost inevitably. However, we had the good fortune to
shoar her up again, and by that means secure our selves from
farther danger. On June the 21. we weighed anchor again,
and went a league higher than the former place.
Here we watered, and in the mean while left men below to
cut wood.

Two Negroes
make their escape.

Thursday June the 23. this day ran away from us two
Negroes; the name of one of them was Hernando, who
was taken with Don Thomas de Argandona, upon the Coast
of Guayaquil, as was mentioned above. The other was
named Silvestre, being taken at the Town of Hilo. Following
the example of these afore-mentioned, on Munday
June the 27th, that is four days after, two more of our
prisoners endeavoured to make their escape, both of them
slaves. One of these was named Francisco, who was a Negro,
and had been taken in the Cacao-ship mentioned be-
Others endeavour
is but are
fore. The name of the other was also Francisco, and he
was an Indian born, who was taken before Panama. Their
attempts to escape succeeded not, for we caught them both
again, before they got on shoar. On Tuesday following I
went to sail up and down the Gulf, in the little Bark belonging
to our ship; and having viewed all places, took
this description of Golfo Dulce here inserted. Our Captain
gave this Gulf the name of King CHARLES his


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