Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington and others
of the family | ||
“Breeches of faith!” screamed Mrs. Partington, as
she heard that term applied to Mexican violations of an
armistice. “Well, I wonder what they will have next.
I have hearn tell of cloaks of hypocrisy, and robes of
purity, but I never heard of breeches of faith before. I
hope they 're made of something that won't change and
wear out, as old Deacon Gudgins' faith did, for his
was always changing. He went from believing that
nobody would be saved, to believing that all would be,
and at last turned out a phrenologer, and did n't believe
in nothing! I wonder if it 's as strong as cassimere?”
And she bit off her thread and prepared a new needlefull.
Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington and others
of the family | ||