University of Virginia Library


Tancred. His Squires at a distance.
Ye guardian powers! who smile on love and virtue,
'Twas ye who led me hither. How my breast
Throbs with desire and transport, to behold
Her whom my soul adores! The time that stands
Between us and our hopes, seems to the mind
A space eternal. Something cold like doubt
Steals o'er my joy: yet what should I mistrust?
Almida must be true; and from dishonour,
The only ill I fear, her faith ensures me.
Far from Illyria, and the camp of Cæsar,
For her at last I seek my country's bosom;
Ungrateful country! yet amidst my woes,
After Almida, dearest to my heart.
Whence is this Orbassan? what his exploits?
What laurels grace his brow, that he should dare
With soaring pride aspire to my Almida?
A prize which only heroes should contend for;
And mine by all the sacred laws of love;
Nor shall he win her from me, but with life.
Nay more, her truth would reach beyond my grave,
Her gen'rous mind, would scorn another's vows,
Her heart is faithful, constant, worthy mine,
Above dissimulation, fears, or weakness.