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scaena 4.

enter Sir Francis Caster. James Selcottage, Blinko. Tingle.
Sir Fran.
And are you sure he hath entaild his land
upon me & my heires after the death
of the young ward.

I am most certaine of it

Sir Fr.
what heard you Mr Tingle?

I, the same Sir.

Sir Fran.
& you can safely depose on the contents?

question not our faiths sir.
but on this only point, I will affirme
that you shall cause a formall reassignement
of what you know was settled of my land
upon the ward.

Sir Fr.
Tis done. but then be sure
you all be constant.

I hope for a share to
If I affirme with strength, & with discretion


weel share upon him all: none shal be bard,
but hee shall have some profit from the ward.

manet Tingle.
But that my owne projections; doe require
my neere colloginge with Sir Francis Caster,
I should abhorre, to cheate my nephew thus;
as to enveigle all his free estate.
and to endangere his owne life by person
hard scooling & ill diet. o the gods!
what monstrous & unparallelld misery
doth our poore orphans meete with? first taken young
they'r sent to some free scoole, where soone acquainted
with the most cruell lashes of the rod
they loose their native vigour; and give ore
their spirits to the sink of melancholy,
the nurse of earthborne plauges: noe sooner gone
from this live buriall, but they are thrust on
to travaile unto forraigne nations. or
sold like fat sheepe & oxen, to some rich
clunchfisted & splayfooted Usurer,
& by him orderd, for to match the changling
his crooked daughter. blesse me (gods) that men
should asses make of y their owne deare children!

Finis Ac. 4. scae. 4.