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Homo cum in honore esset non intellegit comparatus est in mentis insipientibus.

He sayeth, when a man in worshyp is brought
Ryght good vnderstandynge, hath he nought
Therfore he may be lykened, both in flesshe and bone
To beestes that reason and wyt can none
Therfore euery man, that hath wyt and mynde
Oft shulde thynke, on his wretched kynde

And that with fylthe he is all ynome
As he may se euery day from his body come
Both at nose and at mouth, and byneth also
All maner corrupcyon, cōmeth hym fro
And howe foule it is to euery mannes syght
Saynt Bernarde wytnesseth to vs full ryght.