University of Virginia Library

3. III. Part. EARTH.

Now to the Earth I turn my Eyes:
And strange! what diff'rent Prospects rise!
Here Honour glitters, Riches shine,
And Pleasure's various Forms combine:
There meagre Poverty, Disgrace,
And sullen Griefs usurp the Place.


Here Health her blooming Visage shews
Clad in the Lilly and the Rose:
There Sickness groans and pines in Bed,
And scarcely lifts his fainting Head.
Here the unthinking jovial Crowd
Dissolve in Mirth, and laugh aloud;
While Music all her Charms employs
To lull their Cares, and wake their Joys:
But hark! how Melancholy moans,
And solitary Sorrow groans,
Here Luxury her Table spreads,
And, squeamish, on her Dainties feeds:
There Hunger gnaws, and starving Want
Unpity'd vents his vain Complaint.
Prophaneness lifts her impious Eyes,
And mocks the Thunder of the Skies;
Presumes with daring Tongue invoke
The Vengeance of the ling'ring Stroke:
While here and there a pious Sigh,
And humble Pray'r ascend the Sky;
Jehovah hears, and with a Smile
Lays the dread Thunder by awhile.
The Ways of Vice are still pursu'd
By the triumphant Multitude;
Sin high-applauded walks the Street,
And tramples Virtue with his Feet
Yet an unfashionable Few
Virtue's untrodden Path pursue.
These are the Pillars of the Land,
And by their Pray'rs whole Nations stand,
When they are gone, Wrath shall be hurl'd
To blast and burn a guilty World.
Some now receive the vital Breath
Some gasping in the Pangs of Death,


Some landing on th' eternal Shore,
The Dangers of Life's Ocean o'er;
While others ent'ring on the Stage
Of Life, begin their youthful Age.