University of Virginia Library


A four weeks course in library methods will be offered, beginning
June 21 and continuing until July 19. This course will consist of
lectures and practice work with particular emphasis on classifying,
cataloguing, and reference work, and will afford to librarians and
teacher-supervisors of school libraries an opportunity to add four
weeks of systematic instruction to their previous library experience.
The work will be so arranged that students may devote all or a portion
of their time to it.

Text-Book.—Salisbury's Library Methods for School Teachers.

Daily, from 12:30 to 1:30. Librarian Patton. Rotunda.


Page 46

Note.—The fee for the course will be $10.00, to which should be
added about $2.00 for the necessary books, cards, papers, etc. Only
a limited number can be accommodated and application should, if
possible, be made by June 1, 1912.