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There was once upon a time a huntsman, who had a son,
who was also a huntsman. He sent his son into a foreign


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land, to look about him and learn something additional.
Here he went into a tavern, where he found a stranger, with
whom he entered into conversation. They told each other
all the news, till they also began to talk about right and
wrong. The stranger asserted that the greatest wrong
could be made right for money. But the huntsman opined
that right always remained right, and offered to bet three
hundred dollars upon it, if the stranger would do the same.[5]
The stranger was content therewith, and they agreed to ask
three advocates the question at once. They went to the first
advocate, and he said that it was possible to make wrong
right for money. They then went to another. He also
asserted that wrong could be made right for money. Finally,
they went to a third. He also told them that wrong could
be made right for money. They then went back again,
and as they had been going about the whole day, it wasn't
till late in the evening that they got to their tavern. The
stranger then asked the huntsman whether he still disbelieved
that the greatest wrong could be made right for
money, and the huntsman replied that he should soon be
obliged to believe it on the assertion of the three advocates,
although he was very unwilling to do so. The stranger was
willing to grant him his life if he consented to pay three
hundred dollars; but as they were talking about it, in came
a man who overpersuaded the stranger that he must needs
abide by what they had previously agreed upon. He did
not, however, do this, but only, with a red-hot iron, took
his eyesight from him, and told him at the same time, that
he would then and then only believe that right remained
right in the world, when the huntsman regained his sight.

The huntsman entreated the host of the tavern to put


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him on the right road to the town. He put him on the
road to the gallows, and went his way. When the huntsman
had gone a little further, there was the end of the road,
and he heard it strike eleven. He couldn't go any further,
and remained lying where he was in hope that perhaps
somebody would come there in the morning. After a short
time he heard a clatter, and soon somebody came up; nor
was it long before a second and a third arrived. These
were three evil spirits, who quitted their bodies in the night
time, and perpetrated all manner of villainy in the world.
They began to talk together, and one said: `To-day it is a
year and a day since we were here together and related the
good deeds that we had done during the year before. A
year has again elapsed, and it is therefore time that we
should ascertain which of us has done the best action during
the past year.' The first spoke, and said: `I have deprived
the inhabitants of the city of Ramul of their water supply;
they can only be helped if somebody finds out what it is
that stops up the spring.' `What's that?' said the second;
and the first replied: `I have placed a great toad on the
spring out of which the water at other times flowed; if that
be removed, the water will spring up again as before.' The
second said: `I have caused the beauty of the princess of
Sarahawsky to disappear, and herself to fade away to skin
and bones; she cannot be helped until the silver nail, which
hangs above her bed, be pulled out.' The third said:
`Yesterday I caused a person to be deprived of his eyesight
with a red hot iron; he can only be helped by washing his
eyes with the water that is in the well not far from this
gallows.' It then struck twelve in the town, and the three
disappeared at once, but the huntsman remembered all that
he had heard, and rejoiced that it was in his power to regain
his eyesight.

Early on the morrow he heard somebody passing by, and


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begged him to send him people from the town, to tell where
the healing spring was. Then all manner of people came to
him, but no one could show him the spring, save at length
one old woman. He caused himself to be led thither, and
as soon as he had washed his eyes in it, he immediately
obtained his eyesight again.

He now asked the way to the city of Ramul, and went
thither. As soon as he arrived, he told the town council
that he would restore them their water. But plenty of
people had been there already, and the city had spent a
great deal of money upon them, yet no one had effected
aught, so, as it had been all in vain, they intended to have
nothing more to do with the matter. Well, he said that he
would do it all for nothing, only they must give him some
labourers to help him. It was done. When they had dug
as far as the place where the pipes, through which the water
used to flow, were laid into the spring, he sent all the workmen
away and dug a little further himself, and behold! a
toad, like a boiler, was sitting on the spring. He removed
it, and immediately the water began to flow, and ere long
all the fountains were filled with water. The citizens got
up a grand banquet in his honour, and paid him a large sum
of money for what he had done.

He then went on and came to Sarahawsky. Then in a
short time he learnt that the princess was ill, just as he had
heard, and that no physician was able to help her; moreover
that the king had promised that the person who could cure
her malady should obtain her to wife. He therefore
equipped himself very handsomely, went to the king's palace,
and there declared that he had come from a far country, and
would cure the princess. The king replied to him that he
had scarce any hope left, but would nevertheless make the
experiment with him. The huntsman said that he would
fetch his medicine. He went out and bought all manner of


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sweet comfits, and then went to the princess. He gave her
a first dose, and looked about to see in what part of her
bed's head the silver nail was sticking. Early on the
second day he came again, gave her again some of his
medicine, took the opportunity of laying hold of the nail,
and pulled it till it began to move. In the afternoon the
princess felt that she was better. The third day he came
again, and while the princess was taking the medicine,
pulled again at the bed's head, pulled the nail clean out, and
put it secretly into his pocket. At noon the princess was
so far recovered, that she wanted to have her dinner, and the
king invited the huntsman to a grand banquet. They
settled when the wedding was to take place, but the huntsman
considered that he must first go home.

And when he had got home, he went again to the tavern
where he had lost the sight of his eyes, and the stranger was
there also. They began to tell each other all the news,
and the huntsman related what he had heard under the
gallows; how he had discovered the water, and finally how
he had regained the sight of his eyes, and said that the
stranger must now believe that in the world right always
remained right. The stranger marvelled exceedingly, and
said that he would believe it.

After this the huntsman went on and came to his
princess, and they had a grand wedding festival, which
lasted a whole week. The stranger bethought himself that
he, too, would go under the gallows; peradventure he
might also hear some such things as the huntsman had
heard, and might in consequence also obtain a princess to
wife. And when the year had elapsed, he also went there.
He heard it strike one, and in a short time he heard a clatter;
then up came somebody again, and it wasn't long before a
second and third arrived. They began to talk together, and
one said: `It cannot but be, that some one overheard us


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last year, and through that everything that we have done is
ruined. Let us, therefore, make a careful search before we
again recount to each other what we have done.' They
immediately began to search, and found the stranger. They
tore him into three pieces and hung them up on the three
corners of the gallows.

When the old king died they took the huntsman for king,
and if he has not died, he is reigning still at the present day,
and firmly believes that in his realm right will always
remain right.


This surely ought, from what transpires later in the story, to have
run thus: `To stake his life against three hundred dollars to be staked
by the stranger.'