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Classes  Lec.  Lab.  Topics 
M.  T. 
W.  Th. 
F.  S. 
Freshman  Math. (100-6-7)  8-9  Trig.—Anal. Geom. and College Algebra 
Ap. Math. (521-2-3)  10-11  8-10 M. W. F.  Surveying—Drawing—Descriptive Geom. 
Gen. Chem. (300-1-2)  9-10  10-12 T. Th. S.  General Chemistry 
English (1-2-3)  12-1  Rhetoric—Composition—Literature 
Shop-work (860-1)  3 h. a. w.  Woodshop—Machineshop 
Field-work (571)  6 h. a. w.  Field Surveys—Computations—Maps 
Sophomore  Math. (108-9-10)  11-12  Calculus 
Ap. Math. (524-5-6)  12-1  8-10 T. Th. S.  Graph. Statics—Struc'l Drawing—Elem. Mechs. 
Physics (200-1-2)  10-11  9-11 M. W. F.  General Physics 
Civil Engrg. (702-14-3)  12-1  Railways—Materials—Highways 
Mech. Engrg. (800-1-2)  12-1  Steam Engs.—Power Plants—Mach. Design 
Qual. Analysis (315-16-17)  9-10  2-5 M. W. or 2-5 T. Th.  Qualitative and Elem. Quantitative Anal. 
Exp. Engrg. (650)  6 h. a. w.  Road Materials (Stones—Asphalts—Tars) 
Junior  Ap. Math. (527-8-9)  12-1  Ap. Mechs.—Strength of Mats.—Hydraulics 
Economics (10-11-12)  9-10  Principles of Economics—Applications 
Elec. Engrg. (900-1-2)  10-11  7 h. a. w.  Elec. and Mag.—D. C. Mach'y—Periodic Cur. 
Elec. Engrg. (910-11-12)  10-11  4 h. a. w.  D. C. Systems—A. C. Systems—Equipment 
Quan. Analysis (318-19-20)  12 h. a. w.  Quantitative Analysis 
Organic Chem. (309-10-11)  12-1  2-5 T. Th.  Organic Chemistry 
Civil Engrg. (701-5-18)  10-11  Curves and Earthwork—Bridges—Masonry 
Engrg. Geol. (400-1-2)  10-11  6 h. a. w.  Geology with special engineering applications 
Exp. Engrg. (670-60-80)  5 h. a. w.  Fuels and Lubricants—Materials—Hydraulics 
Field-work (751)  9 h. a. w.  Surveys—Maps—Profiles—Estimates 
Bridge Drafting (755)  12 h. a. w.  Bridge Design—Detail Drawing 
Senior  Costs Accounting (20)  8-9  Costs Accounting 
Business Administration (25-30)  9-10  Contracts—Specifications—Engrg. Econ. 
Safety Engrg (35)  11-12  Safety Engineering 
Civil Engrg. (707)  12-1  Waterworks—Sewers—Design 
Mech. Engrg. (803-4-5)  10-11  Gas Engines—Engines—Turbines—Engine Design 
Mech. Engrg. (806-9)  10-11  6 h.a. w. (Spring)  Kinematics—Automobiles 
Elec. Engrg. (903-4-15)  12-1  7 h. a. w.  A. C. Machinery 
Elec. Engrg. (906-7-5)  10-11  2 h. a. w. (Fall)  Illumination—Traction—Power Trans. 
Physical Chem. (303-4-5)  12-1  10-12 M. W. F.  Physical Chemistry 
Applied Chem. (340-1-2)  11-12  Chemistry applied to industries 
Mining (420-1-2)  10-11  Mine Surveys—Coal Mining—Metal Mining 
Econ. Geology (403-4-5)  11-12  6 h. a. w.  Special study of American geologic resources 
Petrography (406-7-8)  12-1  6 h. a. w.  Study of rock-forming minerals and rocks 
Exp. Engrg. (690-1)  5 h. a. w.  Power plant, engine and turbine tests 
Shop-work (862-3-4)  6 h. a. w.  Forge—Foundry—Pattern and Tool-making 
Elec. Lab. (959)  3 h. a. w.  Precision electrical measurements 
Chem. Lab. (386-7-8)  6 h. a. w.  Special chemical problems