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English Roses

by F. Harald Williams [i.e. F. W. O. Ward]

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Its cradle was the cloud of fire
That rolled for endless ages back,
And wrapt in terrible attire
It trod the solitary track
And silent zone
Around God's throne,
The seed of life and all desire,
Through awful space and worlds in wrack;
While systems rose
And systems fell,
And passed through blackness of repose
To blazing force ineffable.


The shadow went, the beauty came
With ordered day and ordered night;
From cunning frost and carving flame
The flower of earth burst into light,
And rolling on
Rejoiced and shone
In homage to the Holy Name,
The Love that fashioned all aright;
And bliss to be
A living tide,
In systolè, disastolè,
Pulsed through its heart in rhythmic pride.