University of Virginia Library



Enter CONGRIO hastily from EUCLIO's house.
Room, room, good citizens, dear countrymen,
Inhabitants, and strangers, give me way,
Let me have room to run, clear all the streets
Before me.—Never did I till this day
Go cook for Bacchants at a Bacchanal,
I and my comrades are so bruis'd, so cudgel'd
I'm sore all over, I am scarce alive,
The old hunks has belabour'd me so lustily
By way of exercise.—I never saw
A man in all my life so generous,
So liberal of his wood; for he has loaded
Me and my fellow-cooks with sticks in plenty.
Ha! I am ruin'd, I am dead, I'm done for:
The Bacchanal now opens,—here he comes,
Close after me:—I know what I'm to do,—
Take to my heels,—for so my master taught me.

[Going off.