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scen. 3

enter Thomazo Solus.
woe! woe! in these heardhearted times, unto
a miserable orphan! and a wretched pupill!
my father once deceas'd, how the flies flakt
unto his scarse cold carcasse? with what fury
his stock was sold for little, or for nothing?
how swiftly were his lands let (almost before
his corps was in his grave) at underrates?
what strange unheard off debts, appeared! what charges
grazed on the surface of his rackt estate?
with what an eager & vaine hast was I
pulld from the house, wherein I had my beeinge,
and which was mine, by all the lawes of men?
as though it were too great a comfort for mee
to breath my native aire? to great a solace
to live in my house, though as a servant
nay rather, as a slave, I alwaies was
within the servile terrour of the lash?
Then with how quick, & a mercurial speede


the promises of widdowhood, were vanisht?
o most perfidious, most forgetfull sexe
of damd luxurious woemen! who will passe
to your ville pleasures through your childrens blood;
like cataline, which poisoned a first wife
(and killd his son;) to entertaine a second,
o monstrous! monstrous! can the heavens looke
upon these base, degenerate, vitious caitives,
& not send downe thunderboult upon them!
sure if these live in peace, my faith will totter.
it is unpossible Justice should permitt
such villanies to passe, without chasticement
but hold Thomazo! keepe these observations
close in thy heart; & see & marke the end,
and thou shal find, thou then hast nere a frind.
