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The vvorkes of a young wyt

trust vp with a Fardell of pretie fancies, profitable to young Poetes, preiudicial to no man, and pleasaunt to euery man to passe away idle tyme withall. Whereunto is ioyned an odde kynde of wooing, with a Banquet of Comfettes, to make an ende withall. Done by N. B. Gentleman

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[If wailfull woordes myght any pity mooue]

[If wailfull woordes myght any pity mooue]


Not long after he had written these verses, his Mystris vpon a coy conceit, began to frowne on him, and giue him very euill countenance, which he preceyuing, made many meanes to moue her to pity, but when nothing would serue his turne, he in great griefe one day sytting alone in his Chamber, wrote in lamenting verse these lines following, which being my chance to read, my Muse brought me now in remembrance of, and wild me to write as foloweth.

If wailfull woordes myght any pity mooue,
or sighes, or sobbes, or dayly bitter teares:
Then myght my bale bewray to my behooue,
the wretched state, wherein my lyfe it weares:
But what will me preuayle to shewe my griefe?
when I am sure to dye without reliefe.
For peeuish pride possesseth pityes place,
and rigor rules where sweete remorse did raygne:
Disdayne is growne so great with beaulties grace,
that humble sute can now no fauour gayne:
A froward change (more pitie) God he knowes,
that gentle dames should growe such stately shrowes.
But since the worlde is growne to such a passe,
that courtesie is chaungd to crueltie,
And malice lurkes where open meekenes was,
and frownes doo stand for friendly amitie:
I must (aye me) perforce content remayne,
vntill the world doo change anewe agayne.
Or els, be sure to keepe my selfe aloofe,
where Bullet shot of big lookes flee I see:


Or armour make of patience of proofe,
to breake their force that may happe light on me:
And when I see that all the shot are past,
then liue in hope, that shee will yeeld at last.