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A collection of poems on various subjects

including the theatre, a didactic essay; in the course of which are pointed out, the rocks and shoals to which deluded adventurers are inevitably exposed. Ornamented with cuts and illustrated with notes, original letters and curious incidental anecdotes [by Samuel Whyte]

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Friendship and love!—what more could heaven impart,
In two fond breasts when mutual ardours glow?
Hence every balm that soothes the feeling heart,
Hence all the joys of social union flow.
How oft the theme of speculation made!
How oft, alas! to futile form confin'd!
How oft prophan'd some sordid views to aid!
The fatal snare of many a generous mind!
O, where in native grace do you preside,
In what bless'd mansion keep your envied seat?
Swell you the train of luxury and pride,
Or to the cot and humble vale retreat?
To every trite declaimer are you known,
And prompt you still the sentimental tongue?
Are you in labour'd systems justly shown,
Or faithfully in mystic legends sung?


Haply the offspring of a feverish brain,
Which but to folly and illusion tend;
Or why so fruitless is the task to gain
The constant mistress, or the steadfast friend?
Full many a curious descant have I heard
The storied flights of amity to prove,
And known it, O, my aching heart! averr'd
The female mind not mutable in love!
If e'er the female mind be constant found,
If love and friendship more than empty names,
If e'er sincerity success has crown'd,
How have I barr'd, how forfeited my claims?
How! how beyond atonement have I err'd?
How could I so egregiously offend,
That all my vows are to the winds preferr'd,
And all my fairy dreams in anguish end?
If vows of mine e'er virgin ear betray'd,
Or friendship's arduous task I sought to shun,
Come forth, wrong'd man! come forth, deluded maid!
Confront me now—'twere just I were undone.


None comes there forth?—why is it then decreed
My dearest aims must still abortive prove?
Still my true heart with disappointment bleed,
The dupe of friendship, and the slave of love?
Oh! he gives nothing who gives all his store!
Poor thriftless bankrupt! thou may'st learn at last,
From sad experiment, instructive lore!
'Tis expectation binds attachment fast.
Suspense and doubt solicitude awake,
And specious craft not honesty is priz'd,
Weep, virtue, weep! none love for virtue's sake;
And modest merit is a thing despis'd.
All truth and fondness friend and mistress both,
Bask in the sunshine and await your bliss;
A cloud in view! they shun you with an oath,
Or to the foe betray you with a kiss.
By no regards, no obligations tied,
When shorn the flock is, and the harvest's o'er,
The double mind can all respects deride,
And in the face of kindness shut the door.


Yet honour reigns the boast of every mouth,
On every tongue incessant fervors blaze;
The words indeed appear the words of truth,
But fickleness and falsehood mark their ways.
Friendship to friendship, love to love succeeds,
Quick as the shootings of the northern ray;
And, as his printless predecessor speeds,
Each to the next yields momentary sway.—
One friend, one chosen friend, I once possess'd,
And did I in the hour of trial fail?
Still be his virtues, his desert confess'd,
But o'er his lapses memory drop the veil.
And thou, sweet peerless maid! for whom I live,
For whom in vain I breathe the tender sigh,
My only treasure was a heart to give,
My only consolation now—to die.
Depress'd beneath accumulating grief,
Thou dear, sole object of my anxious care!
Life of my life!—I see there's no relief;
Yet love will hope, tho' reason must despair.


O, be thou bless'd! still that distinguish'd brow
With wreaths of ever-blooming roses bound!
Nor that pure bosom's animated snow
E'er feel the thorns my tortur'd bosom wound—
Had I some lowly villager been bred,
With rustic notions and of manners rude;
Unschool'd in principles which ill bestead,
Nor with vague theories my mind imbu'd,
To misery I had not been consign'd:
Such is the boasted privilege to know!
And all the advantage of a cultur'd mind,
To point distress and give an edge to woe.
The lustre of thy charms at distance view'd,
Struck, not enthrall'd, I then had safe admir'd;
Thy worth unknown had ne'er my soul subdu'd,
Thy angel smiles with no delusion fir'd.
Some truer maid, the Charlotte of the plains,
With torpid preference I might regard;
For sensibility small favour gains,
And pure affection seldom meets reward.


The chill of waning love's averted eye,
The port assum'd, the faint abstracted air,
The formal welcome, speech constrain'd and shy,
Bless'd state of apathy! are stingless there.
There faith supplanted finds a sure resource,
And slighted services as sure redress;
'Tis not for common minds to feel their force,
Or pine thro' life in exquisite distress.
O, bless'd in ignorance! thrice happy clown!
Well may'st thou pipe and frisk it o'er the plain,
Well may he sing who never felt a frown,
Well may he smile who never met disdain.
For pity's sake the cruel kindness spare,
You who the soul are studious to refine;
Too much of sorrow man is doom'd to bear,
Ah! why expose him to a fate like mine?



And is there then no generous pity left!
No truth! no justice! in the female breast?
Is that frail sex of honour quite bereft?
Their vows of love and constancy a jest?
And generous pity can they ever claim,
Who truth and justice show they disregard?
Dare they appeal to honour's sacred name,
Who with base falshood constancy reward?
Oh, memory! memory! why wilt thou obtrude
Thy cheerless records on my grief-worn soul?
Oh, give me peace! Oh, teach me to exclude
My bitter wrongs! and my wild thoughts controul!
Was't not enough?—good gods! my heart will break!
What could so fell a destiny provoke?
Must she a part in my destruction take,
She, so ador'd! must she too aid the stroke?


Has she not listen'd to my tender tale,
And drank the music of my love-tun'd lyre?
Has she not met me smiling in the vale,
And now—Oh, can she with my foes conspire?
A common lot I could with patience bear,
And grievous ills have suffer'd unsubdu'd;
But when a bosom'd traitor stabs—Oh, there!
There pierce the thorns of foul ingratitude.
See here, ill counsel'd, dear, obdurate maid!
And read unblushing, if thou can'st, the strain
Writ by that hand; by that fair hand convey'd—
What needed this? too strong before the chain.
‘Oft my dear friend has sought my heart to move,
‘And if I lov'd him urg'd me to declare;
‘Not to suppose it would injurious prove,
‘And now my pen shall dissipate his care.
‘With gentle smiles I favour'd your request,
‘Well weigh'd its meaning and observ'd its scope;
‘Full well my conscious looks my soul express'd,
‘And conscious looks full well encourage hope.


‘But spare me words—you could not misconceive,
‘What my past conduct must have plainly shown,
‘Nor justly ought, nor can you disbelieve
‘My fix'd attachment, fix'd on you alone.
‘Your fond addresses have I not allow'd?
‘Your warm endearments have I not return'd?
‘The promis'd nuptials have I not avow'd,
‘And for your sake all other offers scorn'd?
‘No mother's tears, no father's stern command,
‘Nay that might rather interdict your plea,
‘Forc'd me to yield a cold reluctant hand;
‘You were my choice, and my election free.
‘If then your love be founded on esteem,
‘Affection's only true and solid base,
‘Mine you no longer can precarious deem,
‘And to conviction let your doubts give place.’
Such the frank purport of thy artless page;
Artless I thought it, and sincere believ'd.
Beats there a heart such words might not engage?
Claims he not pity whom such words deceiv'd?


Oh, truth! Oh, justice! honour! thrice rever'd!
Still may I cherish and your influence find!
Still may the maid, at your tribunal clear'd,
Prove as she's lovely, generous, good and kind.



Rutland is gone! and free from toils
Of ill-requited sway;
No sycophants now court his smiles;
No tools his nod obey.
The flower of many a promis'd year
Snatch'd off in early bloom;
To candour, justice, honour dear,
He dropt into the tomb.
No weeping consort smooth'd his couch;
No anxious parent nigh;
No kindred friend his end to vouch,
Or close his asking eye.
Silent is every venal bard;
Mute every fawning tongue;
No dirges in the streets are heard;
No solemn knell is rung.


Suppose them all but empty show,
Where is decorum fled?
Has custom nothing to bestow;
Not one forc'd tear to shed?
Joy mark'd the dawning of his reign;
All hearts his presence fir'd;
But with him died the hope of gain,
And gratitude expir'd.
Envy, thro' mists that all things views,
His life presumes to scan;
And slander tells us, wondrous news!
He was, alas! but man.
Who?—Darkness hovering o'er the land
To polish'd arts averse—
Who first stretch'd out his fostering hand,
And bade the clouds disperse?
While here fair science holds a place,
Or learning bears a name,
Regret his memory shall trace,
And truth enhance his fame.


'Tis Rutland's due, the great design
Our annals will attest:
May wreaths unfading grace his shrine,
In peace his ashes rest!
Oft kindnesses not understood
Foul enmity produce,
And schemes replete with public good
Are branded with abuse.
The general weal, by few conceiv'd,
Confess'd he there pursu'd;
But no respect, of life bereav'd,
Could obloquy preclude.
When, lo! the royal mandate came,
To pour the mammon forth,
And down the foremost to defame
Fell prostrate to his worth.
Now arrogance and little pride
Obtrude their selfish claim;
But rites, by narrow souls denied,
Prove heralds of their shame.


Slow mov'd the long procession on
In sad funereal guise;
And grief thro' tears conspicuous shone,
In youth and beauty's eyes.
Even age subdued, tho' rigid grown
To pity and remorse,
Not yet quite harden'd into stone,
Beholds the sabled horse.
The horse that wont to bear his lord,
His lord no more to bear,
Drooping in dumb affliction, stirr'd
Each kind sensation there.
The honest Swiss, for Minden's chief,
Who risk'd his vital breath,
With fortitude sustaining grief,
Felt thrice the stroke of death.
He too whose slack unnerved hand
Directs the doleful herse,
In other pomp was wont to drive,
And mourns the sad reverse.


One manly visage more appear'd,
Where deep distress was writ;
Who can forget, so long endear'd,
The honour'd name of Pitt?
Ye sons of levity and whim,
Whom paltry cares enslave;
See, how pure nature's priz'd in him!
How tears become the brave!
Many who join'd the pensive train,
Might act a mimic part;
There, strongly character'd, 'twas plain
Keen sorrow pierc'd the heart.
Some kindless—stop the dues are paid;
The pageantry is done—
Go, parasites! pursue your trade,
And hail the rising sun!
Nor idly spent your incense dread,
Tho' fate your views retard;
Viceroys and Kings are powerless dead,
The living may reward.