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The following appointments were announced:

  • as Chairman, Department of Art, for three years, effective September 1, 1985.
  • as Assistant Director, Career Planning and Placement, for one year, effective September 10, 1984.
  • as Acting Dean of Admissions, for the period November 21, 1984 through June 30, 1985.
  • Mr. S. Kent Dohrman as Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary Services, for three years, effective October 30, 1984.
  • Mr. Charles T. Gillet as Assistant Vice President for Finance, for three years, effective October 1, 1984.
  • Mr. Joseph F. Kett as Chairman, Department of History, for three years, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Ms. Maruta L. Ray as Assistant to the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, for one year, effective August 1, 1984.
  • Mr. John Roberts as Chairman, Division of Oriental Languages, for three years, effective September 1, 1985.
  • Mr. A. John Simmons as Member of the Center for Advanced Studies, for one year, effective September 1, 1985.