University of Virginia Library


Page 63


  • 1. What brought on the crisis of colonization?

  • 2. How was the London Company disappointed in its expectations?

  • 3. What was the character of the statesmen who now obtained control
    of the London Company?

  • 4. When was the Great Charter granted to Virginia?

  • 5. What is known of its provisions?

  • 6. When and where did the first House of Burgesses meet?

  • 7. What good result followed the granting of the Great Charter?

  • 8. Why did Sir Edwin Sandys and the men that acted with him
    deserve special honor?

  • 9. Of what did the London Company become convinced?

  • 10. In 1619, what was said of the English in Virginia?

  • 11. What was done to help matters?

  • 12. What good results to the colony followed?

  • 13. What was an interesting feature of the early Virginia marriages?

  • 14. When and how was negro slavery introduced into Virginia?

  • 15. What were indented servants?

  • 16. Were all such servants of humble origin?

  • 17. After the marriage of Pocahontas, how had the whites learned to
    look upon the Indians?

  • 18. Describe Opechancanough's plot to exterminate the English.

  • 19. Give an account of the massacre of 1622.

  • 20. What were its effects?

  • 21. From this time on, what became of the Indian tribes?