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1. Household and Personal Hygiene.—This course will be especially
adapted to the needs of teachers, and of students of cooking,
and will cover the matter usually outlined in standard texts upon the
subject. Some time will be spent in the study of each of the following
topics: food and diatetics; the action of household drugs on the
human body; bacteriological decomposition of meats and vegetables;
the sanitary treatment of soil, air, and water; the treatment and disposal
of sewage; the sanitation of dwellings and schools; the relation
of insects to disease; infection, susceptibility, and immunity; personal

Text-Books.—Allen's Civics and Health; Ritchie's Primer of Sanitation.

Daily, from 4:30 to 5:30. Professor Lambeth. Rotunda, Room 3.

2. Practical Sanitation and School Hygiene.—The following subjects
will be treated in this course: ancient and modern theories of
disease—Virchow and cellular pathology, Pasteur and fermentation,
rise of bacteriology; bacteria—methods of isolation, identification and
culture, varieties of pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria; typhoid
fever—the typhoid bacillus, origin of the infectious agent, means of
spread, means of prevention; diphtheria—the diphtheria bacillus, origin,
spread, prevention, carriers, antitoxin; tuberculosis—discovery of
the germ, means of entrance and exit, prevention, cure; scarlet fever,
measles and chickenpox—limitations of knowledge, means of spread,
prevention; insect-borne diseases—malaria, yellow fever, relapsing
fevor, etc.; smallpox—origin, means of spread, vaccination; diseases
caused by animal parasites—hookworm, round worm, tape worm,
etc.; pellagra, infantile paralysis, and spinal meningitis—recent additions
to knowledge regarding them; ventilation—principles of


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ventilation and practical ventilating systems; hygiene of the eye,
ear, nose, and throat; dental hygiene; contagious diseases in the

Daily, from 12:15 to 1:15. Dr. Freeman. Cabell Hall Auditorium.

3. Laboratory Course in Animal Parasites.—In addition to Courses
2 and 3, a series of laboratory demonstrations will be arranged
for small sections of students electing the course. Students taking
this course will be instructed in the practical laboratory methods
for the diagnosis of diseases caused by animal parasites. This
course will be repeated to different sections as often as the time
available will permit.

Hours to be arranged. Dr. Freeman.

Certificate Credit.—Summer School Professional Certificate—Hygiene
I; Professional Grammar Grades Certificate—Hygiene I; Professional
Primary Grades Certificate—Hygiene I.