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Epigram. [Globe]

As the Celestiall Globe is various Mix'd
With Starrs, some more, some Retrograde, some fix'd
So in these lesser Globes, men are still Changing,
Drunke, Sober, Mad, Sad, Merry, Reeling, Ranging.


Epigram. [George]

George is on Horsebacke Riding Day and Night,
And with the Dragon in perpetuall fight,
Which shewes that we should watch 'gainst fleshly evill,
To ride the World, and Combate with the Devill.

Epigram. [Greyhound]

These Greyhounds nere hunt Buck, nor course a Hare
Instead of hunting, they still hunted are:
And those that hunt them many times are bit,
Lam'd in the Leggs, and Creepl'd in their Wit.


Epigram. [Goate]

When sicknesse doth man of his health deprive,
Goates Milke is wholesome and preservative:
And sure this Goate such Liquor doth containe,
As can both Glad and Mad, Mans heart and braine.

Epigram. [Gerter]

The Honorable Garter first did Spring
From Famous Edward, Englands Warlike King:
He beat the French, and to requite his paine,
French Wine hath ever since beat vs againe.

Epigram. [Grashopper]

This Grashopper is not a skipping Vermin,
Whose Glory with the Summer doth extermine:
Nor Heate or Cold can change his hue or shape,
Twill live upon the Liquor of the Grape.