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Page 327


Stop your noise in there!” roared Mr. Peppercase,
as he heard the sound of a juvenile riot in the kitchen.
“If I come to you I 'll give you something that you will
remember for a fortnight! I 'll knock your heads off!
I never saw such children in my life; always yelling and

“I declare, that 's queer!” said Mrs. Partington, who
was there to tea; “that is queer, when they have such a
very mild man for a father; I should think they would
be as gentle as doves. Some fathers are like the frightful
porcupine, and of course their children will be
fractious; — as the old hog squeals the young ones learn,
you know.”

She stirred her tea gently, and smiled as she spoke;
and Mr. Peppercase, after a vain effort to detect malice
in her looks, changed the subject to the best mode of
raising cucumbers, which cooled him down in a short