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Horace in Homespun by Hugh Haliburton [i.e. J. L. Robertson]

A New Edition with Illustrations by A. S. Boyd

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Hughie in Murnins: he Laments the Loss o' his Frien' Andro.
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Hughie in Murnins: he Laments the Loss o' his Frien' Andro.

“Ergo Quinctilium perpetuus sopor
Car. i. 24.

What man or minister 'ill dare
Haud oot his haund, an' cry Forbear!
This wild, this waefu' sorrow spare;
It's Nature's debt?
But I will band an' weepers wear
For Andro yet!
O for the wail o' Autumn wun's,
An' trees, an' seas, an' settin' suns,
An' melancholy muirlan' whuns,
An' hillside sadness!
O for the greetin' voice that runs
Thro' Nature's gladness!


So Andro's gane! the last lang sleep
Has fa'en upon him, an' he's deep!
An' noo he doesna hear a cheep
O' a' we're talkin';
An' we in vain a watch wad keep
For him to wauken.
It's no' the stroke, tho' fell an' grim,
The bosom cauld, the moveless limb,
That melt an' mak oor een sae dim,
Oor heart sae sair—
But oh! what virtues sleep wi' him
That's lyin' there!
He was sae modest an' sae true—
Truth was engraven on his broo!
Strict wi' himsel', an' slack wi' you,
An' even-mindit:
His peer, search a' the parish thro',
Ye wadna find it!


An' noo he's gane! he's crost the mark
Atween us an' that ocean dark,
Whereon some day oor ain frail bark
Maun sink or sail;
But here nae mair again we'll hark
His kindly hail.