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Female Poems On Several Occasions

Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions

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The Reply, by a Friend.

The Reply, by a Friend.

What Pray'r incessant, to my Ears does fly?
What proud Presumption me of Tyranny
Accuseth? can Love whose pow're is so Great,
Be taxed with Ingratitude, or Hate?
Fond Girle forbear, and know that your Dispair
Is want of Courage, cou'd you once but dare
Your Victor, and my Vassal, you shou'd see,
How Heav'n wou'd punish his inconstancy:
But while your Hope on his fond Vows relies,
And thinks Heaven minds those little Perjuries,


You quit the greater Pow'r, that you may claime
By Beauty's Conquest, the loss of it's your Shame:
When first to you he his Addresses made,
Smiles gave him Life, your frowns, strike him Dead;
But Viper like, being in your Bosom warm'd,
And his chill'd Soul being into Action charm'd
By th'Influence of your Beams, he straight denies
What gave his Love a Life, and from it flies;
From such a Rebel, as from Plagues i'de run;
'Twixt Love and Hate, is no comparison:
Nor is he worth your Anger, or your Scorn,
Do but forget that ever he was Born:
You can't believe the Gods would e're create
Ingratitude, that Quintessence of Hate.
Think him a Spectrum, that had only Shape
Without Substance, and Love did onely Ape,
Then reassume that Pow'r, that Nature's Law
Gives to your Sex; be Wise, keep Slaves in Awe:
Be generous in Love, Love not in vain,
'Tis base to Love, where we're not Lov'd again.