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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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The principall pointis of the Passioun, shortlie correctit.
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The principall pointis of the Passioun, shortlie correctit.

Help God the formar of all thing,
That to thy gloir may be my dyte,
Be baith at end and beginning
That I may mak ane sang perfyte
Of Iesus Christis passioun,
Sinneris only Saluatioun
As witnessis thy word in write.
Thy word for euer sall remaine,
As in his buke wrytis Isay,
Baith heuin and eird sall turne againe,
Or thy trew word cum to decay.
Thow can not lyke ane man repent.
To change thy purpois or Intent:
Bot steidfast is thy word for ay.
Iesus the fatheris word alone,
Discendit in ane Uirgine pure
With meruellis greit and mony one,
And be Iudas that fals tratour,
That Lambe for sober summe was sauld
And gaue his lyfe for caus he wald
Redeme all sinfull Creature.


Quhen eittin was the Pascall Lamb,
Christ tuke the breid his hand within,
Blyssing it brak it, gaue the same
Till his apostillis mair and min,
Eit that, for my body is this,
Quhilk for ȝour saikis geuin is,
In till remissioun of ȝour sin.
Siclyke he gaue them for to drink,
In wyne his blude, the quhilk was sched,
Upon his precious deid to think,
On him remembrance to be maid.
Quha eitis this blyssit Sacrament,
Worthely with trew Intent
Sall neuer se Eternall deid.
For caus thay knew him till depart,
Thay straif quha suld be ouerest:
Bot Iesus said with humbill hart,
Princes ar repute Nobilest,
The quhilk rewlis maist awfullie,
Sa amang ȝow it sall not be.
Bot quha is maist sall serue the leist.
Iesus wushe his apostillis feit,
Schawand exempill of lawlynes.
And chargit them with wordis sweit,
That lufe amang them suld Incres,
For thairby it suld cum to licht:
That ȝe ar my Discipulis richt,
Giue ȝe amang ȝow lufe posses,
Efter this prayer passit he,


And met the Iewes quhilk him socht,
Quhen thay had bound him cruellie,
Befoir the Iudges they him brocht.
First they him scurgit, and for scorne,
Him Crownit with ane Crowne of thorne,
Syne dampnit him to deid for nocht.
That Prince on Croce thay lyftit on hicht,
For our Redemptioun that thocht sa lang,
He said I thrist, with all my micht,
To saue mankynde fra panis strang.
He that all warldis was beforne,
Come downe of Mary to be borne,
For our trespas on croce he hang.
Then he his heid culd Inclyne,
As wrytis Iohne, and gaue the Gaist,
And of the Croce tane was syne,
And laid in graue bot sone in haist,
Leuand he rais on the thrid day,
And to his apostillis did say,
To them appeirit maist and leist.
And syne he did his apostillis teiche,
Throw all the warld for topas.
And till all Creature for to preiche,
As they of him Instructit was.
Quha Bapteist is, and will beleue,
Eternall deid sall not them greue,
Bot salbe sauit mair and les.
Sanct Luk wryting his assentioun,
Thocht present ay with vs he be,


As Scripture makis mentioun.
That is to say, with vs is he.
Be his sweit word, steidfast but faill
Contrair the quhilk can not preuaill,
Sathan nor hellis tyrannie.
Ane conforter to vs he did send,
Quhilk from the father did proceid
To gyde vs trewly to the end
In inwart thocht and outward deid,
Call on the Lord our gyde and licht.
To leid vs in his law full richt,
And be our help in all our neid.
Pray for all men in generall,
Suppois thay wirk vs richt or wrang.
Pray for ȝour Prince in speciall,
Thocht thay be Iust, or tyrannis strang.
Obey, for sa it aucht to be
In prison for the veritie,
Ane faithfull brother maid this sang.