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Anus speakis to Galathea.

Anus speakis to Galathea.

O Galathea, nane I beleiued to be,
So nar me heir, till harken at my hand,
Yit not the les, I haife not maid ane lie,
I spak the truth, as I occasioun fand:
Of Pamphilvs, this far I vnderstand,

All in this toun, he far excellis, I mene,
Weill he forseis, how his estait may stand,
And how he may an honest life sustene.
His laud and praise, may planely be espyd,
It daily growis, as we may weill persaue,
With na man, he is hatit or inuyd,
By iust occasioun hatrit to consaue:
Howbeid of ritches, he aboundance haue,
Yit pride into his persoun hes na place,
For Pamphilvs, surpassis all the laue,
Baith for his ritches, and his reuerent grace.
Now Galathea, I will tell to the,
I wald he war your husband maist derect,
Gif ye war wise, or culd your weill forse,
Ye wald desire, the same to take effect:
Howbeid my selfe, that marage wald erect,
Yit he himselfe, the same dois not consider,
Into my iudgement, surely I suspect,
That ye and he, ane meit match war togither.
Your kin, your clan, and clament naturis kind,
Togither with your bewties quhilk I se,
Makis me consent, and thinke into my mind,
That ye war meit, togither baith to be:
We baith driue ouer, and tins the tyme trewly,
With idill wourdis, quhilk we may be without,
Ane small occasioun, oftimes is the Kie,
That opins mirth, and makis the same spring out.
Ane ingill gret, with mekill fire and low,
Will oft proceid, bot of ane litle spaill,
Ane small beginning, engenders and gars grow,
Maist waichtie maters, of a gret auaill:
For to reuolfe in mind, I did not faill,
The inwart mening of thir things prolix,

In tyme quhen we suld had our purpos haill,
With wane consaitis the same we suld not mix.
Gif in your mynd, na motioun yit be wrocht,
Nor in your hart, to bring this blok till end,
Quhidder It pleis you, or it pleis you nocht,
Tell furth the truthe, and speik quhat ye pretend:
And thairfoir tell, quhat purpos ye intend,
For na man sall, your sacreitis vnderstand,
I ether sall consceil, or mak it kend,
As it sall pleis you, for to gif commaund.
Stur not for till expel, this schame prophane,
Out of thy hart and mynd, that it may be,
Only this schame, proceidis I mak you plane,
Of rurall vse, and rusticalitie.