University of Virginia Library


Dr. Combs stated that both he and the staff of the student newspaper at Mary Washington
College were very much disturbed by an article appearing in "The Cavalier Daily" stating that the
administration at Mary Washington College exercised censorship over the student newspaper. President
Combs stated that the editorial staff of the paper had been to see him concerning the matter.
He stated that for many years there had been a faculty sponsor to assist the girls in
establishing standards of literature, etc. He stated that there had never been the slightest
censorship of the paper by the administration.

Dr. Combs added that he had told the young ladies to forget about the matter. Mr. Black
suggested that if "The Cavalier Daily" had made an error in its editorial about censorship at
Mary Washington College, that the error should be corrected, and that the young ladies should
write the editor of "The Cavalier Daily" and call his attention to the error.

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On motion the meeting was then adjourned.

Barron F. Black
Vincent Shea